National projects
"Duality in Czech agriculture: an advantage or a disadvantage for agriculture of the new generation?"
QK1920398, 01/2019–12/2021.
Representatives of the FADN CZ Contact Office were members of the research team (ČZU, ÚZEI).
The specific objectives of the project are: (i) To prepare a detailed analysis of productivity, efficiency and their resources according to the size and production focus of enterprises, (ii) To identify the level of sustainability of natural resource management and the potential for sustainable growth of agriculture, (iii) To evaluate the level of profitability according to size groups
a výrobního zaměření a identifikovat její zdroje, (iv) Zpracovat analýzu vztahu mezi produktivitou a zahraničním obchodem, (v) Vyvinout modelový/metodický nástroj pro posouzení vlivu současných a budoucích politik/opatření.
Čechura, L., Žáková Kroupová, Z., Lekešová, M. (2022). Productivity and efficiency in Czech agriculture: Does farm size matter? Agric. Econ. – Czech, 68, 1–10.
Čechura, L., Žáková Kroupová, Z., Kostlivý, V., Lekešová, M. (2021). Productivity and Efficiency of Precision Farming: The Case of Czech Cereal Production. AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, 13(3), 15-24. ISSN 1804-1930.
Foreign cooperation
In 2022 and 2023, theLiaison Agency FADN CZ participated in the "Pilot project: Developing a farmers' toolbox for Integrated Pest Management practices from across the Union. Part 2: Converting Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) into Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN)”.
The project is aimed at implementing the conversion of FADN to FSDN, which was proposed in 2019 by the Green Deal for Europe (GreenDeal). As part of this transformation, legislative, technical and methodological issues are discussed. By converting the FADN survey to the FSDN, the database should be expanded to include selected environmental and social indicators. Technological development, digitization and data sharing are also an important element.
The content of the activities of the FADN ČR Contact Office was the fulfillment of an extraordinary questionnaire survey, the provision of a complex of information in relation to a wide range of indicators, the assessment of the considered new identification and other indicators in relation to the situation in the ČR, ITC solutions and the architecture of information systems.
The FADN ČR contact office participated in the UNISECO project. The three-year project was implemented in the period 2018-2021. The project aimed to use a transdisciplinary approach to strengthen the sustainability of EU agricultural systems. Identifying and understanding socio-economic, ecological and political conditions as well as barriers at the territorial level will provide the basis for creating a methodological toolkit for assessing the environmental, economic and social impacts of innovation strategies and incentives for agro-ecological approaches in EU farming systems. The developed methodological tools were tested at the level of case studies
15 European countries. Practical validation of the conceptual framework led to final recommendations for future applications.
The study in the Czech Republic was focused on preserving the viability of dairy farms using organic farming as an agroecological farming system
with best practices in arable land. The geographical area of the case study is the Vysočina region. It is a traditional agricultural region: 60% of its area is covered by agricultural land, of which 77% is arable land. Vysočina was chosen as the main area of milk production, including organic, in the Czech Republic. Another specificity of the region is the presence of important water areas and water resources. In addition to case studies, other outputs can be studied, e.g. freely available scientific articles, newsletters, videos, presentations, posters.
More information about the project can be found at and
The FADN ČR contact office is a co-investigator of the international project handled by the Farm Level Analysis Network group at the OECD. The empirical project is part of the OECD's efforts to understand the impact of policies and other factors on productivity and environmental sustainability at the farm level. Advanced dynamic statistical methods using enterprise data were applied to the solution. Case studies of seven countries of the world with different production orientations were elaborated in detail. Specializing in milk production in the Czech Republic, Denmark and Norway and focusing on field production in France, Italy, Australia and the United Kingdom. Greater application of decoupling (separation of payments from production) in agricultural policy has been found to have a positive effect on business productivity. The ability of enterprises to increase production with smaller inputs has been confirmed, assuming properly set local incentives that would enable sustainable productivity growth.
The outputs from this project have been compiled into two publications. The first publication covers the main findings and the second publication details individual case studies.
Antón, J., Sauer, J. (2021). Dynamics of farm performance and policy impacts: Main findings. OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers, 164.
Sauer, J., Chancellor, W., Mennig, P., Anton, J. (2021). Dynamics of farm performance and policy impacts: Case studies. OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers, 165,
The joint project of the Farm-Level Analysis working group at the OECD was carried out in 2017 and 2018. The goal of the project is to compare business performance between individual countries, including the determination of the most significant determinants, i.e. the calculation of TFP according to the harmonized methodology. Case studies were developed for Estonia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Chile, Denmark, Korea and Norway.
At the initial stage, a descriptive analysis of the characteristics of agricultural holdings was carried out, on the basis of which comparable clusters of agricultural holdings were identified at the level of individual countries involved in the project. Various performance indicators were then assessed, selected and applied. The determination of total factor productivity (TFP) of agricultural holdings was based on previous OECD work in this area using a non-parametric index method. Based on these results, the link between the characteristics of agricultural enterprises and their performance was analyzed. Findings on the factors and characteristics of high- and low-efficiency enterprise groups were interpreted for applicability in agricultural policy setting and sustainability of productivity growth.
The international Pacioli workshop is focused on the issue of collecting, processing and analyzing individual data, in particular the data of the FADN sample statistical survey. The workshop is regularly attended by around 40-60 participants from many countries around the world (EU, USA, Canada). Workshop participants address both current issues related to data collection and future perspectives on survey organization. During the workshop, the outputs of studies and analyzes based mainly on the FADN database of individual countries, as well as the EU FADN database (administrator DG.AGRI) are presented.
In 2019, an international workshop was organized in the Czech Republic with the organizational support of the FADN ČR Contact Office at ÚZEI. During the workshop, two presentations were given by our staff.
In 2018, the first results of the ÚZEI internal project Multi-criteria evaluation of the management of agricultural enterprises for the financial year 2016 were presented at the workshop.
In 2017, the solution of the ÚZEI internal research project Multi-criteria evaluation of the management of agricultural enterprises was presented at the workshop, with a focus on the possibilities of determining the weights of individual criteria and entire groups (dimensions). Furthermore, the output of the internal research project Impact of subsidies on the economy of organic farming enterprises - analysis of technical efficiency was presented.
In 2016, the methodological procedure of the proposed solution of the internal research project Multi-criteria evaluation of the management of agricultural holdings was presented.
In 2015, the output of the internal research project Estimation of economic results on the basis of FADN was presented, and further possibilities for the development of the researched issue were discussed.
In 2014, the developed methodology for predicting economic results was presented in a presentation entitled "Microsimulation model estimating Czech farm income from Farm Accountancy Data Network database".
Internal IAEI projects handled by FADN staff
The project is focused on the methodology for calculating the decomposition of economic results in agriculture for selected aggregated groups of enterprises using the FADN CZ database. The FADN CZ sample survey provides data extrapolated using weights to a representative set of market-oriented agricultural enterprises in the Czech Republic (standard production of at least EUR 15,000). An integral part of the methodology will be the use of the outputs of the Selection Survey on costs and yields of agricultural products of the ÚZEI. The calculation model will be gradually automated using the selected appropriate software tool for repeated processing. There will also be an analysis of the use of the methodology for the different classifications with regard to the representativeness of the data for the selected aggregated groups.
Mlezivová, I. (2023). Economic Results Decomposition in Agriculture Based on FADN. 28. Pacioli workshop, Ptuj, Slovenia.
Mlezivová I., Hloušková Z. (2024). Economic Reducing the respondent burden. 29. Pacioli workshop, Montegrotto Terme, Italy.
The project follows on from projects from previous years, which dealt with the influence of opportunity costs on the economic results of farms and the development of a method of multi-criteria evaluation of the management of agricultural enterprises. The main goal of the project is to assess the sustainability of agricultural enterprises in the Czech Republic based on the FADN database. The evaluation of the sustainability of agricultural enterprises is carried out using a self-developed method of multi-criteria evaluation of the management of agricultural enterprises, which includes five areas (production, performance, financial stability, environmental, others, including social) of sustainable management in agriculture. The FADN CZ microeconomic database is used for processing, which contains both pan-European harmonized standard indicators and other supplemented indicators
from the fields of financial analysis, economic viability, environmental and social.
Hloušková, Z. (2023). Multidimensional Sustainability Assessment in the Czech Republic – project development. 28. Pacioli workshop, Ptuj, Slovenia.
Landa, J., Hloušková, Z. (2023). Sustainable management according to FADN. Zemědělec: Odborný a stavovský týdeník, 42, 9.
Liaison Agency FADN CZ (2023) Interesting facts from FADN - Management of agricultural enterprises in the Czech Republic and in EU countries - Focused on support in less favorable areas. Periodical Interests from FADN, Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information, Prague. ISBN 978-80-7271-267-0 (print), ISBN 978-80-7271-268-7 (pdf)
Hloušková Z., Fuksová Z. (2024). FADN sample sustainability – long-term participation in the Czech FADN survey. 29. Pacioli workshop, Montegrotto Terme, Italy.
Landa J., Hloušková Z., Mlezivová I. (2025). Problematika znevýhodněných oblastí. Zemědělec: Odborný a stavovský týdeník, 3, 9.
Organic and conventional farming businesses show different production. There is a general assumption that lower yields and intensity of animal husbandry are
in organic farming are compensated by higher prices, i.e. the valuation of certified organic products significantly exceeds the valuation of conventional production.
Despite the extensive promotion of organic products and the increasing awareness of traders, processors and consumers about the benefits of organic production and certified product quality, the ever-higher price often represents an obstacle to sales. Certified organic farms are then unable to obtain sales for their products on the market with the price of an organic product and are forced to produce on the conventional market, and therefore with the price of conventional production.
ÚZEI is the only organization in the Czech Republic that, thanks to the unique FADN and Statistical Surveys in organic farming databases, long-term monitors and regularly evaluates data on the management of organic enterprises. The goal of the project is to verify, on the basis of a sample set, how different the valuations are in the first production
for organic production carried out on the organic market and organic production carried out within the conventional market and how the possibilities of application on the market will be reflected in the overall economic situation of the company.
Fuksová, Z. (2023). Changes of Organic Farming in Czechia During the Last Ten Years. 28. Pacioli workshop, Ptuj, Slovenia.
Hloušková Z., Fuksová Z. (2024). FADN sample sustainability – long-term participation in the Czech FADN survey. 29. Pacioli workshop, Montegrotto Terme, Italy.
The project follows on from the Smart FADN support project from previous years. The FADN system is a unique source of accounting data at farm level and is a well-established system within the EU that the European Commission intends to further develop and transform into a data network for farm sustainability. In addition to economic and economic data, the FSDN will also collect environmental and social data at farm level in line with the objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy, the Farm to Fork strategy and the biodiversity strategies. This will provide a more comprehensive picture of EU farms and help assess the sustainability of EU agriculture.
In previous years, several items of an environmental nature were already added within the framework of the support project, among other things, with the aim of determining the willingness of farmers to provide this data. This year we will continue to build on the lessons learned from the FADN to FSDN transition.
Harvilíková, M., Macháčková, J. (2023). The European Commission will transform FADN into FSDN. Zemědělec: Odborný a Stavovský Týdeník, 30.
The main topic of the project is to ensure the calculation of opportunity costs in agriculture over the FADN database and their further use in analyzes of the viability of agricultural enterprises. In contrast to the accounting profit, the so-called opportunity costs, which characterize the use of own production factors (labor, land, capital) of agricultural enterprises, are taken into account when calculating the economic profit. The result of the project is a set of new indicators in the FADN database that are related
with the opportunity costs of agricultural enterprises. The project outputs are published in professional periodicals.
Špička, J., Dereník, P. (2021). How opportunity costs change the view on the viability of farms? Empirical evidence from the EU. Agricultural Economics – Czech, 67 (2), 41-50.
Hloušková, Z., Lekešová, M., Prajerová, A., Doucha, T. (2022). Assessing the Economic Viability of Agricultural Holdings with the Inclusion of Opportunity Costs. Sustainability, 14 (22).
Landa, J., Mlezivová, I., Hloušková, Z. (2022). Consumption of mineral fertilizers in the Union. Farmer: professional and status weekly. 30(51), 10. ISSN 1211-3816.
Liaison Agency FADN CZ (2022) Management of agricultural enterprises in the Czech Republic and EU countries - Focused on precision agriculture. Periodical Interests from FADN, Prague: Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information. ISBN 978-80-7271-256-4.
Liaison Agency FADN CZ (2021) Economics of agricultural enterprises in the Czech Republic and EU countries - Focused on organic farming. Periodical Interests from FADN, Prague: Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information.
Liaison Agency FADN CZ (2020) Interesting facts from FADN - The economy of agricultural enterprises in the Czech Republic and EU countries - An analytical view of the economy of milk producers. Periodical Interests from FADN, Prague: Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information.
Landa, J., Hloušková, Z. (2023). Sustainable management according to FADN. Farmer: Expert and Status Weekly, 42.
The goal of the multi-year project is to create a proposal for a new system for the collection and managerial use of FADN data, the so-called Smart FADN. The design of an innovative solution for the collection and use of FADN data will be based on the use of new technologies. To reduce the burden on farmers and increase their motivation to participate in the FADN survey, it is necessary to use available information from other administrative sources and find new ways to simplify data collection using digital and information technologies. The project created and subsequently modified the Small FADN web application for data collection. There has been an expansion of the output module usable for managerial purposes, which enables the comparison of the results of a given enterprise with the aggregated data of a group of similar enterprises. Furthermore, within the framework of the project, the possibility and procedure of automatically uploading some items from external administrative sources to the standard FADN survey was tested, which was already implemented for the 2020 fiscal year survey.
In view of the new strategy of the European Commission (EC) "Farm to Fork", which applies a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food production system, the EC proposes to transform FADN into FSDN (Farm Sustainability Data Network). The aim is therefore to integrate indicators for all dimensions of sustainability (economic, environmental, social) at the farm level. In light of the above, the SMART FADN Project will continue with the intention of gradually taking into account future FADN development and modification.
Fuksová, Z., Novák, M. (2022). Methane production in ruminant farming. Farmer: professional and status weekly, 11. ISSN 1211-3816.
Macháčková, J., Hanibal, J. (2021). Results of the Smart FADN project. Farmer: professional and status weekly, 17. ISSN 1211-3816.
Macháčková, J., Harvilíková, M., Hanibal, J. (2019). The Smart FADN project will make data collection more efficient. Farmer: professional and status weekly, 28. ISSN 1211-3816.
The project was aimed at expanding knowledge about the environmental behavior of businesses. In the first year of the project, the indicators that are available have been identified
from the FADN survey, and which are informative about a farm's approach to sustainable agriculture.
In the second year, pilot calculations were performed and standard formulas adapted to FADN data were used to calculate the entire FADN sample. The balance of NPK fertilization, year-round soil coverage with vegetation and methane production was determined, or eq. CO2, from cattle farming. Results were compared across groups according to selected sorting criteria.
Fuksová, Z., Vintr, T. (2021). Balance of NPK nutrients in enterprises with different specialization of production. Agromanuál, 1. ISSN 1801-4895.
The aim of the project is to analyze the correlations between the characteristics of agricultural holdings and their performance, thus enabling more accurate prediction of farmers' responses to planned agricultural policy measures. This project is related to the OECD international project FLA TAD/DO/2017.47 "Drivers of Farm Performance", Johannes Sauer, Technical University of Munich.
Using data from the FADN Survey, a descriptive analysis of the characteristics of agricultural enterprises is carried out through selected indicators such as the size of agricultural enterprises, specialization, diversification of income, agro-ecological characteristics, input ratios, level and structure of support for agricultural enterprises. On this basis, at the level of the selected group of production focus, compared clusters of agricultural enterprises were identified and an analysis of factors affecting the performance of farms was carried out.
The heterogeneity of field production farms was confirmed in the 2018 solution and three different technology classes were identified based on 7 indices and their components (including subsidies). In 2019, the empirical analysis of the transitions of agricultural enterprises between classes was completed, the verification of a simpler functional form as well as changes in the specification due to unobservable heterogeneity, the verification of the inclusion of some components of the indices determining the classification into the technological class as parameters of the estimated production function. In 2020, a summary and detailed interpretation of the results was carried out, taking into account the factors of the current CAP - the correlation of the change in the classification in the technological class and the provided supports. This assessment refers to the field production enterprises of the FADN Survey in the 2005 period–2018.
Kostlivý, V., Fuksová, Z. (2021). Breakdown into technological classes - field production enterprises in 2005-2018. Farmer: professional and status weekly, 12. ISSN 1211-3816.
Kostlivý, V., Fuksová, Z., Rudinskaya, T. (2020). Drivers of farm performance in Czech crop farms. Agricultural Economics – Czech, 66 (7), 297-306.
Kostlivý, V. (2018). Prezentace „Drivers of farm performance in Czech crop farms“. OECD Farm-level Analysis Network, 22 zasedání 16. listopadu 2018, Session 2: Drivers of farm performance.
The project was focused on the difficult topic of multi-dimensional evaluation, where different perspectives on the functions of agriculture meet. These viewpoints may not only be in a harmonious relationship, but on the contrary, their goals may compete with each other. This is particularly the relationship between production and economic goals versus social and environmental goals. To achieve sustainable agricultural development, it is essential to ensure a balance between these areas. Determining this balance is not straightforward and is a very complicated issue. The intention of the project being solved is to appreciate in the final evaluation not only the individual dimensions, but also their interrelationship. Within the scope of the project, an effort was made to develop a methodical procedure based on periodically available information from the FADN ČR database in such a way as to achieve a more extensive understanding of the functions of agriculture than is currently common.
In the final multi-criteria evaluation of agricultural enterprises, the areas of production, performance, financial stability of the enterprise, environmental and others (including social functions) are involved.
As part of solving the issue of multi-criteria evaluation of agricultural enterprises, a complete methodological procedure was developed and a separate database was created with the calculation of multi-criteria evaluation from 2014. The results are communicated to interested farmers using the application FADN PUBLIC/modul FARMER, která umožňuje podnikům zapojených v šetření přístup do databáze FADN CZ.
Hloušková, Z., Lekešová, M. (2020): Farm outcomes based on cluster analysis of compound farm evaluation. Agric. Econ. – Czech, 66, 435–443.
Špička, J., Vintr, T., Aulová, R., Macháčková, J. (2020). Trade-off between the economic and environmental sustainability in Czech dual farm structure. Agric. Econ. – Czech, 66, 243–250.
Hloušková, Z., Lekešová, M., Hlaváčková, M., Pánková, L. (2020). Multicriteria assessment of Czech farms. Agric. Econ. – Czech, 66, 101–111.
The FADN database is a unique source of representative economic data for ecological management. As part of a three-year project, panel data from the FADN survey were used to analyze the technical efficiency of green businesses.
The project presented an insight into the productivity and efficiency of agricultural enterprises from many perspectives. In particular, it was the way of farming, production focus and economic size. The solution is a contribution to the discussion on the development of the competitiveness of organic agriculture.
In the first year of the solution, the methodical calculation procedure was defined and the database was compiled. Analytical results for the period 2011-2014 were assessed mainly from the point of view of production orientation when comparing the results of conventional and organic farming enterprises.
In the second year, the research team focused on the analysis of technical efficiency for the extended analyzed period 2011-2015. In the methodical solution, the change indices of the total productivity of production factors (TFP) determined by the DEA Malmquist method were used, which was carried out on a sample set of panel data of 440 enterprises representing a production focus with animal production, of which 114 were ecologically managed.
In the third year of the solution, the impact of subsidies on the economy of organic farming enterprises was investigated. The objective was to assess productivity-enhancing capacity, growth potential, and trends in efficiency and productivity of organic farming enterprises by production focus based on 2011-2016 FADN survey data. The impact of subsidies on the economy of organic farming enterprises and the analysis of technical efficiency were assessed in variants using the non-parametric data envelope analysis method DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) and with the application of the SFA (Stochastic Frontier Analysis) model of stochastic frontier analysis with the distinction of groups of production focus (VZ) and following the resolution of the project in 2016.
Kostlivý, V., Fuksová, Z. (2019). Technical efficiency and its determinants for Czech livestock farms. Agricultural Economics – Czech, 65 (4), 175–184.
Kostlivý, V., Fuksová, Z., Dubec, J. (2017). Farms Productivity Developments Based on Malmquist Production Indices. Agris on-line, Papers in Economics and Informatics, 2(9).
Kostlivý, V., Fuksová, Z., Dubec, J., Hanibal, J., Peterková, J. (2017). Economics of sheep and goat farming in organic farming. Náš chov, 8, 49-53.
Kostlivý, V. (2017). Prezentace Economic Results of Organic Farming in the Czech Republic, 19. zasedání OECD Network for Farm-Level Analysis (22. – 23. 5. 2017).
As part of the project, a methodological procedure for predicting the economic results of individual enterprises was designed and subsequently certified, including making these results available to individual agricultural enterprises. The FADN CZ database is used to evaluate the economic situation of agricultural enterprises, which also serves as a basis for calculating predictions and estimates.
Furthermore, the project dealt with the issue of financial analysis for natural and legal persons, which is another practical output of the project for farmers. Financial analysis of businesses of legal entities is based on financial statements. The financial analysis of businesses of natural persons, which is derived from specific items of the FADN CZ questionnaire, is processed differently. The complete outputs of the financial analysis are also made available electronically to companies participating in the FADN survey.
Data collected under FADN is strictly confidential. For this reason, only aggregate results (e.g. group averages) can be published, and farmers can only access their individual farm data after logging into the secure system.
To make the results available, modular remote access to the FADN CZ database is used using the FADN PUBLIC online software application ( After registration, users from the professional public can use the BASIC MODULE, which offers many variable views of the aggregated results of agricultural holdings.
Hloušková, Z., Lekešová, M., Prajerová, A., Dereník, P. (2021). Estimation of the economic results of agriculture in the Czech Republic based on company data (certified methodology). Praha, ÚZEI, 24 s. ISBN 978-80-7271-245-8.
Hloušková, Z., Ženíšková, M., Prášilová, M. (2018). Comparison of Agricultural Costs Prediction Approaches. AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, 1, 3-13.
Špička, J., Macháčková, J., Hloušková, Z. (2018). Online calculation of financial analysis indicators as a service to farmers participating in the FADN survey. Farmer: professional and status weekly, 16. ISSN 1211-3816.
Lekešová, M., Hloušková, Z., Ženíšková, P. (2017). Extrapolation and prediction of results. Farmer: professional and status weekly, 50. ISSN 1211-3816.
Hloušková, Z., Lekešová, M., Slížka, E. (2014). Microsimulation Model Estimating Czech Farm Income from Farm Accountancy Data Network Database. AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, 3, 27-37.
Co-solution of FADN employees on other internal ÚZEI projects
The project is focused on the sustainability of management in the direction of environmental efficiency and finding ways to measure it, especially in ANC areas.
The goal of the project is to create a monograph on the topic of farming of farmers in less favorable areas of the Czech Republic. The amount of analytical material that was on the topic
created in recent years, will be concentrated in one document, in which the given topic will be described more comprehensively.
The goal of the first year of the project was to analyze the viability of agricultural enterprises in less favorable areas (ANC) of the Czech Republic, focusing on the economy of farms classified according to production orientation and identifying the degree of influence of ANC payments in these groups. Another way of looking at the results was to sort by the area of agricultural land of the holdings, which provided insights into the issue of the degressivity of ANC payments. The second year of the solution was a project focused on a more detailed analysis of the viability of farms in less favorable areas of the Czech Republic, especially on the analysis of individual indicators, the creation of a multidimensional view of viability and the detection of suitable predictors of viability. The aim of the project is to strengthen the viability assessment methodology in terms of predictive modeling and to develop simulation tools.
The Liaison Agency FADN CZ worked closely on the preparation of changes to the LFA measures (now ANC) under the Rural Development Program 2014-2020. The project was based on this issue, which was aimed at evaluating the impact of changes in LFA payments on the farm economy. The aim of the project was to define and analyze the links between the variables that are included in the impact assessment using statistical methods from the analysis of the dependencies of quantitative characteristics.
The Rural Development Program for the period 2007-2013 included a number of investment support measures aimed at modernization in agriculture and forestry, adding value to agricultural, food and forestry products, or diversifying non-agricultural productions such as renewable energy sources or tourism and non-commercial activities. The aim of the internal research project was to quantify the causal effects of support compared to a counterfactual situation without intervention on supported enterprises, especially on their economic performance and productivity resulting from the structural support provided to agricultural enterprises over a longer period of time.
The main goal of the project was to clarify the territorial differentiation of Czech agriculture and the countryside, as well as to focus on the territorial aspects of farm diversification. The differentiation of the Czech countryside and agriculture was analysed, a typology of the Czech countryside and a socio-economic typology of Czech agriculture were created based on indicators of employment in agriculture and the importance of livestock production. The territorial importance of farm diversification was assessed based on the typology of agriculture
a s využitím různých datových zdrojů (ČSÚ, SZIF, FADN).
The aim of the project was to improve the definition of LFA in the Czech Republic in the context of the EU, to develop a methodology for determining the impact of natural restrictions on the economy of farms, and to develop a methodology for defining areas with natural disadvantages in the Czech Republic for the period after 2014. The research results include, in particular, a list of cadastral territories that are included to the LFA and are listed in the Government Regulation and the specialized map of the LFA (PRV ČR 2014-20).