News archive

On December 11, 2024, the 8th annual ÚZEI economic conference took place in the large hall of the CNB congress center. The event was sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Marek Výborný. The FADN was represented at the conference by the head of the Contact Office, Ing. Jana Macháčková, with a presentation entitled "FADN is changing to FSDN". The event was followed by the announcement of the results of the Farmer of the Year 2024 competition. The presentation is available in the publication section. (inserted December 12, 2024)
On 12/2/2024, i.e. on the set date, FADN data for the fiscal year 2023 was sent to AGRI A.2. (inserted 11/12/2024)
Representatives of the Czech FADN Liaison Agency participated in the hybrid meeting of the Farm Level Analysis Network at the OECD on 5 and 6 December 2024. The two-day meeting included several presentations that touched on new possibilities for FSDN in the EU. A large part of the program was devoted to the income of agricultural holdings and agricultural households. (inserted 06.12.2024)
On 5 December 2024, we participated in the webinar ’Interoperability of IFS and FADN/FSDN Unique Identifiers for Agricultural Holdings’. The aim of the online meeting was to present and discuss the main conclusions and recommendations of this project. (inserted 06.12.2024)
The article FADN, or why is your company data important, was published in the AGRObase monthly magazine on 27/11/2024. Here, the authors outline what FADN is, what it does, and why. They also describe why FADN is important and what it can provide to both farmers and the general public. There is also a view into the future and the presentation of the upcoming FSDN. You can read the article here (posted 11/28/2024)
On 22 November 2024, the European Commission hosted a full-day hybrid meeting of the Expert Group on Horizontal Issues on the CAP – Subgroup Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN), abbreviated as GREX, at DG AGRI. The program covered a wide range of topics. The first part focused on the collection and transmission of FADN data and their use for the CAP and research at EU level. The second part of the meeting concerned the new obligations of Member States, discussed changes in methodology and the activities of the transition to FSDN. The agenda also included demonstrations presenting the development of web applications for sharing FADN/FSDN results, benchmarking and the possibility of processing basic statistics by data users.
On 6.11.2024, a meeting of the FADN National Commission took place in the building of the Ministry of Agriculture. At the meeting, a report on the functioning of FADN CR from November 2023 to October 2024 was presented, part of the report was the fulfillment of tasks in relation to the European Commission, the use of FADN data at the national level, but also the first preliminary results of the FADN investigation for the fiscal year 2023. Another item on the agenda was the discussion of the draft plan for the selection of FSDN survey enterprises for the reporting year 2025, which was unanimously approved. During the session, there was a heated discussion regarding the preliminary result indicators of 2023, including the issue of the transition of FADN to FSDN. (inserted 11/07/2024)
On November 1, 2024, the article Economy of milk producers with precision agriculture was published in the weekly Náš chov (No. 11/2024). The aim of the contribution is to compare the economic results of enterprises with market milk production that use precision agriculture technologies in animal production in the Czech Republic with the results of enterprises with milk production that operate without these technologies. The analysis was prepared on the basis of data from enterprises that participate in the annual survey of the Agricultural Accounting Data Network in the Czech Republic. You can read the article here. (inserted 11/06/2024)
In the weekly Náš chov (No. 11/2024) on November 1, 2024, the article "What makes enterprises focused on breeding cattle and animals that feed bulky forage stand out?" was published. Here, the authors analyze the production and economic indicators of agricultural enterprises specializing in cattle and forage-feeding animals (POA) from 2013 to 2022. The article focuses on the differences between profitable and loss-making enterprises, and finds out how they differ in terms of production, costs and efficiency management. You can read the article here. (inserted 11/06/2024)
The article The impact of efficiency on the profitability of large farms in the Visegrad Four was published in the scientific journal Agricultural Economics - Czech (No. 70) about the efficiency of large enterprises that specialize in field production in the Visegrad Four region. Article created in collaboration between FADN, PEF ČZU and ESF MUNI. You can read the article here. (inserted 10/14/2024)
After a year, we once again personally participated in the PACIOLI international workshop. The 29th meeting took place on 6-9 October 2024 in the Italian town of Montegrotto near Venice. It is one of the largest thermal areas in Europe with springs as hot as 80°C. For the Czech Republic, active participation was in the form of a presentation on the topic of long-term participation of farmers in the FADN survey and a poster with the theme of reducing the burden on respondents. Friendly discussions during the presentation and outside the program confirmed that the challenges and problems are similar in all countries and there is a growing need to monitor environmental and social variables in addition to economic indicators. There were interesting experiences about innovations in data management and collection, especially in connection with the transition to FSDN. Data analytics with subsequent benchmarking for farms were highlighted. More information about the presentation and poster can be found in the Projects section and you can learn more about the workshop at (inserted 11/10/2024)
After the year-long work that we have undertaken together with all the member states, the European Commission and representatives of agricultural organizations and individual businesses, we can announce that the implementation regulation, which has been prepared for a long time, has been agreed, which contains all the requirements for the practical functioning of the FSDN. Only two member states abstained from the vote. The representative of our FADN Contact Office in the Czech Republic voted in favor of the Czech Republic. We welcome this regulation with joy, but also with respect, because it is a big change for both our workplace and most of our colleagues. During the negotiations on the wording of the regulation, we managed to ensure the gradual introduction of new variables, which gives us room for joint preparation. (inserted 10/04/2024)
On August 19, 2024, the article "Results of mixed production enterprises" was published in the Zemědělec weekly newspaper (No. 34/2024). Author Ing.Here, Lenka Tumová presents the results of mixed production enterprises in the FADN survey data. In addition to production or cost data, the author also deals with the issue of subsidies in the post. (inserted 08/25/2024)
On August 12, 2024, the article "Ecological enterprises in 2022" was published in the Zemědělec weekly newspaper (No. 33/2024). Authors Ing.Zuzana Fuksová and Ing.Here, Lenka Tumová presents the results of ecologically managed enterprises based on the results of the FADN survey in an annual comparison between 2020 and 2022. You can read the article here. (inserted 08/19/2024)
On July 29, 2024, the article "Economics of enterprises with milk production" was published in the Zemědělec weekly newspaper (No. 31/2024). Authors Ing.Martina Döbertová and Ing.Here, Svetlana Lamprechtová presents the results based on the FADN survey in the 2021/2022 year-to-year comparison.You can read the article here. (inserted 07/08/2024)
On 16/07/2024, we participated in the next meeting of the FSDN Committee at DG AGRI. The European Commission has presented changes to the upcoming FSDN implementing regulation, which is already being finalized. Furthermore, information was provided before the approval process of the implementing regulation, which regulates the contribution to the construction of the FSDN for each EU member state. (inserted 17.07.2024)
On the 20th anniversary of FADN in the Czech Republic, an article was also published in the Zemědělec (No. 26/2024) magazine, which summarizes everything important that the FADN Contact Office has done in the last twenty years, what are the plans for the future, and how it is received by the professional public. You can read the article here. (inserted 06/28/2024)
On 14 June 2024, the June meeting of the FSDN Committee at DG AGRI took place. The European Commission presented the changes in the upcoming implementing regulation on FSDN, which were made on the basis of member states' comments. Furthermore, an already advanced version of the implementing regulation was discussed, which regulates the contribution to the construction of the FSDN for each EU member state. (inserted 06/19/2024)
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of FADN in the Czech Republic, a report from the annual event of the same name was published on the website of the weekly Zemědělec, which introduces readers to the activities of FADN and evaluates our 20 years of activity in the Czech Republic. You can read the report here. (inserted 05/23/2024)
On May 21, 2024, we participated in the 219th meeting of the Committee for FSDN (formerly FADN), organized by the European Commission (DG AGRI) in hybrid form. Two upcoming implementing regulations were discussed. The first regulation regulates the contribution to the construction of the FSDN for each EU member state, and its adoption by the election of representatives of the member states is planned for the beginning of September. The second regulation contains all the rules and content of the FSDN questionnaire, its adoption is planned for the end of September. (inserted 05/22/2024)21.On May 2024, we participated in the 219th meeting of the Committee for FSDN (formerly FADN), which was organized by the European Commission (DG AGRI) in a hybrid form. Two upcoming implementing regulations were discussed. The first regulation regulates the contribution to the construction of the FSDN for each EU member state, and its adoption by the election of the representatives of the member states is planned for the beginning of September. The second regulation contains all the rules and content of the FSDN questionnaire, its adoption is planned for the end of September. (inserted 05/22/2024)
At the House of Agricultural Education in Vinohrady, we organized a meeting of colleagues who have been helping us build FADN for a long time. The past and present management of ÚZEI and the FADN ČR Contact Office took stock of the past 20 years and at the same time outlined plans for the future. A short evaluation of our long-term cooperation was presented by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, research and consulting firms. The free discussion also discussed the current situation in agriculture, the possibilities of increasing the automation of data collection, but also the sharing and use of already existing data. Thank you to all 77 participants for spending this festive morning with us. (inserted 05/17/2024)
As part of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of FADN in the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Agriculture issued a press release about our activities. In the text, you will learn why FADN data is important not only for Czech agriculture, but also for the EU's Common Agricultural Policy. You can view the press release here. We thank the Ministry for this reminder and appreciation of our work! (inserted 05/17/2024)
On April 18, 2024, representatives of the FADN ČR Contact Office participated in the meeting of the FSDN Committee and the Expert Group for the transition to the FSDN of the European Commission in Brussels. The content of the meeting was the complex issue of establishing the FSDN survey, complex negotiations continued about new items of the FSDN questionnaire and priorities for data collection. Member States have different conditions of availability and collection of data, therefore harmonization at the level of the entire European Union is very complex. (posted 4/19/2024)
Applications for the 2023 Farmer of the Year competition are now open! All legal-organizational types of agricultural enterprises and farms can participate in the competition. The aim of the competition is to make agriculture more visible, to find and in a festive atmosphere to announce and award the best farmers for individual production areas and regions of the Czech Republic. Are you participating in the FADN survey? Then you don't need to provide any additional data. Just register your business on the website here and we will take care of the rest of the administration for you. (inserted 4/3/2024)
An article was published in the Zemědělec weekly newspaper, the aim of which is to present the predicted change in the income situation of enterprises in 2023 according to farm systems for the purpose of evaluating the impact of changes in the setting of the conditions of the new agricultural policy, which was formulated in the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy for the period 2023-2027. The authors of the article are director Ing.Štěpán Kala, Ph.D., MBA, and Ing.Tomáš Medonos, Ph.D., Ing.Martin Hruška and our colleague from FADN, Ing.Zuzana Hloušková. You can read the article here. (inserted 04/03/2024)
On March 12 and 13, 2024, representatives of the FADN ČR Contact Office participated in the 33rd meeting of the Farm Level Analyzes Network at the OECD. The program focused on agricultural and rural incomes, social research and farm resilience characteristics. A significant part of the presented studies used FADN data. (inserted 3/14/2024)
You can now read the overview of the sample survey of the economic results of agricultural enterprises in complete electronic form here. In addition to the technical text, the publication also contains detailed tables, graphs and maps. 1,204 farms participated in the 2022 survey. (inserted: 2/23/2024)
On 25/01/2024, we participated in the meeting of the FSDN (Farm Sustainability Data Network) Committee and the Expert Group for Horizontal CAP Issues - Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN) subgroup, abbreviated as GREX at DG AGRI. The day-long meeting covered topics from many diverse areas. We were mainly devoted to the preparation of the FADN transition to the FSDN system. The European Commission informed us about the procedure for the preparation of an implementing regulation regarding financial contributions to EU member states for the implementation costs incurred in connection with the setting up of the FSDN. In the framework of the expert group, interesting contributions were presented, from analyzes of the representativeness of FADN data to specific issues related to future data collection in the FSDN system.
Interesting presentations on the organization of the FADN investigation, the possibilities of connecting databases and the expected obstacles that will need to be overcome in building the FSDN were given by representatives of the FADN Contact Offices from Poland, Germany, France and Portugal. (posted 2/9/2024)
Ministerstvo zemědělství ve spolupráci s několika odborníky vydalo publikaci o precizním zemědělství. V publikaci naleznete texty na téma, jakým způsobem je precizní zemědělství využíváno v rostlinné a živočišné výrobě, jaký má vztah k životnímu prostředí a ekologii. Dále jaké jsou v něm používány technologie, a jak může pomoci zemědělským podnikům optimalizovat výrobu. Do publikace přispěla i kolegyně Ing. Martina Döbertová, jež je autorkou kapitoly s názvem Pozitivní dopady zavádění precizního zemědělství
na ekonomiku podniku. Publikaci si můžete pročíst zde. (vloženo 8. 2. 2024)
On 10 and 11 January 2024, the results of ÚZEI's internal projects were defended. The FADN staff successfully presented the results of four internal projects: Evaluation of the sustainability of agricultural enterprises, Realization prices of production of organic farming enterprises, Transition of FADN to FSDN and Methodology of decomposition of economic results in agriculture using FADN data. Internal projects can be found in the Projects tab. (inserted 1/12/2024)
Yesterday we participated in the GREX working group for the establishment of FSDN at the European Commission. During the day-long meeting, the EC's request for the collection of new environmental indicators was presented (especially in the following areas: nutrient use and management, agricultural practices, use of antimicrobials and biodiversity). Other variables of an economic and social nature were also proposed. Also, the Basic Regulation on FSDN was published in the Official Journal on 29/11/2023 (Regulation (EU) 2023/2674) and the current status of the process of preparing the delegated regulation was discussed. (inserted 12/15/2023)
In the November edition of AGRObase magazine, the article "Preliminary results of agricultural enterprises for 2022 based on FADN data" was published by the authors Ing.Martina Harvilíková and Ing.Jana Macháčková. The results and changes between 2021 and 2022 are described. You can find the post in the Publication activity tab. (inserted 11/30/2023)
Data from the FADN survey for the financial year 2022 was successfully transmitted to the DG AGRI office in Brussels on 28 November 2023. (inserted 30/11/2023)
On November 20, 2023, the article "Cattle in organic farming" was published in the weekly Zemědělec (No. 47/2023). Authors Ing.Zuzana Fuksová, Ph.D. and Eng.Lenka Tumová describes the economic results of ecologically managed enterprises focused on breeding cattle, sheep and goats, as well as enterprises specialized in the production of cow's milk in the Czech Republic based on FADN data. They focused on comparing changes between 2015, 2018 and 2021, comparing production and costs per 1 livestock unit in these ecological groups of businesses. Furthermore, changes in livestock sales per DJ are monitored and indicators of net added value per worker in EZ are evaluated. You can find the post in the Publication Activity tab. (inserted 11/22/2023)
Today's penultimate meeting of the European Commission and FADN representatives from member countries this year contained 14 discussion points, which lasted the whole day. The European Commission presented a lot of important additional information and responded to member countries' questions regarding the gradual construction of the FSDN and the first draft list of indicators for the future FSDN. (posted 11/16/2023)
In the proceedings of the 7th year of the ÚZEI economic conference, a contribution by colleagues Bílá and Mlezivová was published, entitled Management of field production enterprises from FADN data. The contribution compares field production enterprises in the Czech Republic both from the point of view of time series and also with the results of foreign enterprises. At the same time, the article mentions the importance of land for humans, for the economy, for the future. It is largely based on national and international FADN data. You can view the full post in the Publishing Activity section. (posted 11/13/2023)
On Wednesday 8.11.2023, the meeting of the FADN National Commission took place in the building of the Ministry of Agriculture. The commission was presented with the first preliminary results of the FADN investigation for the financial year 2022 and a draft plan for the selection of enterprises for the investigation of the financial year 2024. As part of the program, the election of the chairman and vice-chairman of the National Commission took place, the updated rules of procedure, the report on the functioning of the Contact Office of FADN ČR for the past year were approved and the farm selection plan for the financial year 2024 was also approved. During the meeting, issues related to the collection and evaluation of data from the FADN survey were discussed, including the transition to the FSDN. (inserted 11/09/2023)
The 32nd session of the OECD Network for Farm-Level Analysis (FLAN) was held in hybrid form on 7 and 8 November 2023. The two-day meeting was attended by representatives from all over the world, our participation was online. Interesting presentations were divided into three sections. The first part focused on the experience of monitoring and analyzing social problems in agriculture, integration of immigrants, well-being of farmers linked to financial level and stress. With the advent of digital technologies, hopes are pinned on young farmers who bring innovative practices to the industry. A second section of posts was devoted to this topic. The final part was about the resilience of farms to unexpected extremes, for example in Australia, France, Estonia and Japan. FADN data have been repeatedly mentioned as an important data source for micro-scale analyses. (inserted 11/09/2023)
Today, FADN staff participated in an international meeting on the upcoming form of the FSDN questionnaire. The Commission members explained several new indicators that are planned for the new questionnaire - changes in the number and composition of the sample, data for the calculation of the cycle of the main nutrients and greenhouse gases, the use of antibiotics or elements of biodiversity. The topics provoked a wide discussion among the representatives of the member states present. Negotiations will continue. (posted 10/26/2023)
The article "Sustainable farming according to FADN" was published in the professional magazine Zemědělec, issue 42. The main purpose of the article is to present to the professional public a multi-criteria evaluation system that uses FADN data. This assessment uses not only production, performance and financial aspects, but also social and environmental aspects. The authors are Ing.Zuzana Hloušková and Mgr. Jindřich Landa, Ph.D. You can find the post in the Publication Activity tab. (posted 10/17/2023)
On 12 October 2023, the European Commission (DG AGRI) organised a meeting of the GREX expert group for FADN. The participants were presented with presentations on the completion of data validation for 2021 and the submission of data for 2022, the new methodology for calculating farm opportunity costs, the results of an international survey on data collection options for digitalisation in agriculture, the experience of sharing data from various sources from Italy and the prepared basic regulation for the conversion of FADN to FSDN.
546 / 5 000 In the afternoon session, the EU FADN Community Committee held a meeting, at which the Implementing Regulation (PLAN/2023/173) on changing the structure of the FADN in Finland, adapting the name of subsidies to the current form of the CAP and specifying other gainful activities (OGA) in the FADN survey was agreed. Subsequently, the proposed new items of the FADN/FSDN questionnaire in the economic, environmental and social areas and proposals in the area of data sharing were presented. The proposed draft of the new questionnaire will be discussed at the next meeting, which will be in 2 weeks. (inserted 16.10.2023)
An intense, friendly and varied exchange of experiences, it was the 28th PACIOLI International Workshop. The meeting took place on 1-4 October 2023 in the oldest city of Slovenia, Ptuj. Individual presentations were focused on new software options for FADN data collection, their effective linkage to other national data sources, expansion with new FSDN indicators, advanced statistical methods of data use for climate change impact analyses, benchmarking, and more. Three female colleagues participated on behalf of our workplace and actively participated in the poster presentations. You can find the content of the posters in the Projects section. More information about the workshop itself is available at (posted 10/6/2023)
The article "Economics of cattle breeding in FADN data" was published in the professional magazine Zemědělec, issue 40. The article summarizes and presents the most important data on the production focus of the PDO Cattle and Animal Breeding for the financial year 2021. The analysis was made on the basis of data from enterprises participating in the FADN survey. The authors are Ing.Tereza Lebedová and Ing.Jarmil Mlčák. You can find the post in the Publication Activity tab. (posted 10/4/2023)
A contribution focused on field production enterprises was published in Zemědělec magazine. The article introduces the readers to the data of the most numerously represented production focus of the sample survey of economic results in agriculture FADN in the Czech Republic. Production, yields and prices were compared year-on-year. The authors are Ing.P. Bílá, PhD., Ing.I. Mlezivová and Ing.L. Vacková. The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted 09/16/2023)
On 15 September 2023, we attended the final conference of the Pilot project: Converting FADN to FSDN (Farm Sustainability Data Network), which was organized in cooperation with the European Commission, DG AGRI. During the conference, key topics were described that should enrich the current FADN. The inclusion of new specific indicators will subsequently be discussed and decided by the FADN Committee at the EC, in which all member states are represented. The possibilities of using a unified ID and information system in the European Union were also discussed, which was assessed by the project as having a low level of feasibility. The greatest emphasis is placed on ensuring the motivation of agricultural enterprises to participate in the survey. (posted 9/15/2023)
The article "Precision Agriculture and Farming" was published in the professional magazine Zemědělec. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the economic indicators of businesses that use precision agriculture systems, compared to businesses that manage without these technologies. The analysis was made on the basis of data from companies participating in the FADN survey. The author is Ing.Martina Döbertová. You can find the post in the Publication Activity tab. (inserted 8/31/2023)
From August 24 to 29, we participated in the Země živitetelka agrosalon, the largest event of its kind in the Czech Republic. Colleague Jindřich Landa was also present at the ÚZEI stand, representing the FADN ČR Contact Office. At the stand, both leaflets about FADN and annual publications focused on the economic results of agricultural enterprises were available (inserted 30/08/2023)
The article "The European Commission will transform FADN into FSDN" was published in the professional journal Zemědělec, authored by Ing.Martina Harvilíková and Ing.Jana Macháčková. In the text, you will learn why the conversion of FADN to FSDN occurs and what are its main benefits. You can find the post in the Publication Activity tab. (posted 7/25/2023)
The latest data on farm economics in the EU are available on the European Commission's Agri-food data portal. Preliminary data from EU countries from the FADN survey for 2021 have been published in the Farm Economics section.
The interactive database on the data portal allows you to explore standard FADN results in several economic areas (such as production, costs, subsidies, income, assets). Average data per enterprise are compiled for each year, by Member State, production focus of the enterprise and economic size class.
Over the last decade, the average net value added of a farm in the EU has shown an increasing trend, reaching an average of EUR 48,600 per farm and EUR 29,100 per AWU (Annual Work Unit) in 2021. All production sectors increased compared to 2020 (by 13.6% on average), with the exception of pigs and poultry. However, the most profitable sectors in the EU remain farms specialised in pig and poultry farming, with EUR 43,400 of net value added per AWU.
(vloženo 26. 6. 2023)
On 26 May 2023, representatives of the FADN ČR Contact Office participated in the meeting of the FADN Committee at the European Commission, which took place in the form of a video conference. The main point of the program was the changes in the implementing regulation (EU) 2015/220. (posted 5/26/2023)
On 5/22 we celebrate International Biodiversity Day. In our infographic, we focused on the interconnectedness of biodiversity and agriculture. You will learn how it is necessary for us not to lose biological diversity, but to strengthen it. Enjoy today in the company of as many plant and animal species as possible!
On 5/5/2023, representatives of the FADN ČR Contact Office participated in the meeting of the Expert Group for Horizontal Issues - Accounting Network Subgroup at the European Commission. The meeting took place in the form of a video conference. The main agenda item was a change in the regulation regarding the merger of FADN sub-regions in Finland. (inserted 05/05/2023)
The article "Investment and financing in agriculture" was published in the professional magazine Zemědělec, which was also written by FADN employee Mgr. Tomáš Vintr. The text uses data from the FADN ČR database. You can find the post in the Publication Activity tab. (posted 4/14/2023)
The article "Assessment of the impact of agricultural support on crop diversity" was published in the professional magazine Zemědělská ekonomika, in which women workers from FADN participated. The study deals with the assessment of the impact of agricultural subsidies on the diversity of farm crops (project output no. SS04030013 supported by TA CR). To calculate the diversity index, panel data from the FADN database were used to analyze land use and crop diversity. You can find the post in the Publication Activity tab.
On March 27, 2023, representatives of the FADN CR Contact Office attended the 212th meeting of the FADN Committee of the European Commission and the Expert Group for Horizontal Issues - Accounting Network Subgroup at the European Commission. Both meetings took place in a combined form of personal participation and video conference. The representative of the FADN ČR Contact Center gave a presentation on the topic of precision agriculture in the FADN ČR investigation. (posted 3/28/2023)
We participated in the 31st meeting of the Farm Level Analysis Network at the OECD, which took place in a hybrid format on 16 and 17 March 2023. More than 60 participants heard an interesting program and experiences. Presentations were focused, for example, on the benefits of precision agriculture and digitization, or the need for new indicators when collecting data in the field of social sustainability in agriculture. At the end of the meeting, the first results of a project to use statistical analyzes of data from Australian farms affected by extreme drought to determine farm resilience characteristics were presented. FADN data was also mentioned as one of the important data sources for international cooperation. (posted 3/28/2023)
The complete electronic version of the overview of the sample survey of the economic results of agricultural enterprises is available in the FADN sample survey results directory - year 2021. The publication presents the results in the form of tables, graphs, maps and texts processed into thematic chapters. In 2021, 1,196 entities participated. (posted 3/6/2023)
An article was published in the AGRObase newsletter (01/2023) with the title Do you also use the wide information offer of the FADN survey? The article presents the possibilities of obtaining and interpreting data from the European FADN database. The authors of the article are Mgr. Jindřich Landa, Ph.D. and Eng.Zuzana Hloušková. The post is available in the Publication activity tab. (posted 02/02/2023)
In the third week of January, the European Commission published a report on organic farming in the European Union and its development in the period 2012-2020. Organic farming plays an important role in achieving the ambitions of the Green Deal for Europe. The outputs presented in the publication result from Eurostat and FADN data. We have prepared a summary of this report which is available for download HERE. (posted 1/27/2023)
Already the third edition of the periodical Interesting from FADN will acquaint readers with the economic results of agricultural enterprises in the Czech Republic and in EU countries. The data is processed into clear graphs and a special double page is this time dedicated to precision agriculture. The electronic version of the brochure is available in the Publications section. (posted 1/26/2023)
The Ministry of Agriculture is preparing informational webinars in cooperation with ÚZEI with the aim of providing subsidy applicants with a comprehensive overview of information. More information HERE. (posted 1/20/2023)
In the Zemědělec magazine (51/2022), the contribution Mineral fertilizer consumption in the Union was published, which deals with the comparison of the results of agricultural enterprises of nine selected EU states. The analysis focused on field production enterprises and used data from the European Commission's public FADN database. The authors are Mgr. Jindřich Landa, Ing.Iveta Mlezivová and Ing.Zuzana Hloušková. The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted 12/31/2022)
In the November edition of Agrobase, the article "FADN 2021, preliminary results of the management of agricultural enterprises" was published by the authors Ing.Martina Harvilíková and Ing.Jana Macháčková. The article is devoted to the year-on-year comparison of results between 2021 and 2020. You can find the article in the Publication activity directory. (posted 12/9/2022)
On 7 December 2022, the next meeting of the AgriFin working group took place, the program also included the continuation of the discussion of the proposal to amend the regulation of the European Parliament and the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No. 1217/2009 as regards the transition from agricultural accounting data networks to the Agricultural Data Network for Farming Sustainability. (posted 12/08/2022)
A new professional article based on innovative methods applied to the FADN CZ database is devoted to the evaluation of economic results in the dual structure of Czech agriculture. To ensure the comparability of the economy of small and large enterprises, an index of economic sustainability was compiled, which considers the costs of own production factors. The results were analyzed in terms of production focus and economic size. You can find more in the article "Hloušková Z, Lekešová M, Prajerová A, Doucha T. Assessing the Economic Viability of Agricultural Holdings with the Inclusion of Opportunity Costs. Sustainability. 2022; 14(22):15087. (posted 12/5/2022)
On 16 November 2022, the next meeting of the AgriFin working group took place, the agenda included, among other things, the continuation of the discussion of the proposal to amend the regulation of the European Parliament and the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No. 1217/2009 as regards the transition from agricultural accounting data networks to the Agricultural Data Network for Farming Sustainability. (posted 11/20/2022)
On 7-8 November 2022, the 30th meeting of the OECD Network for Farm-Level Analysis (FLAN) took place in a hybrid format (in person in Paris and registered participants online). Representatives of FADN ČR also participated in online form. The meeting was divided into three parts. The first group of presentations was focused on agro-environmental indicators, especially on biological diversity and international experience with its monitoring. In the second part, the question of the characteristics of the resilience of agricultural firms and the introduction of digital technologies was addressed. In the final part, the two-year work of the FLAN network was evaluated and the issue of goals for the next two years was discussed. (posted 11/9/2022)
On November 2, 2022, a meeting of the FADN National Commission took place, which has been meeting regularly since 2004 with the participation of representatives of ÚZEI, MZe, non-governmental organizations and agricultural universities. The FADN National Commission unanimously approved the draft plan for the selection of enterprises for the FADN survey for the financial year 2023, discussed the preliminary results of the management of agricultural enterprises for the year 2021, discussed the organizational issues of the past year as well as the future development of the FADN in relation to the needs of agricultural policy. (posted 7/11/2022)
On Wednesday, October 26, 2022, representatives of the FADN ČR Contact Office took part in the meeting of the Economic Commission of the AK ČR. (posted 10/27/2022)
At the economic conference entitled The Czech agricultural sector in a changing economic environment, held on the occasion of the announcement of the results of the "Farmer of the Year 2022" competition, Eng. Věra Vrkočová spoke with the contribution "Management of agricultural enterprises using precision agriculture technologies based on FADN data". The paper is available in the Publication Activity and Presentations directory in the Presentations and Analysis directory. (posted 10/26/2022)
On 13 October 2022, representatives of the FADN CR Contact Office attended the 211th meeting of the FADN Committee of the European Commission and the Expert Group for Horizontal Issues - Accounting Network Subgroup at the European Commission. Both meetings took place via video conference. (posted 10/17/2022)
On 12 October 2022, the next meeting of the AgriFin working group was held, the agenda included, among other things, further discussion of the proposal to amend the regulation of the European Parliament and the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No. 1217/2009 as regards the transition from agricultural accounting data networks to the Agricultural Data Network for Farming Sustainability. (posted 10/13/2022)
On 21 September 2022, a meeting of the AgriFin working group was held, the agenda included, among other things, a proposal to amend the regulation of the European Parliament and the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No. 1217/2009 as regards the transition from the agricultural accounting data network to the agricultural Data Network for Farming Sustainability. (posted 9/22/2022)
We participated in the European Sustainable Development Week. More information about the activities of ÚZEI on the prepared poster. (inserted: 9/20/2022)
In the journal Zemědělec (34/2022), a contribution by FADN was published on the development of plant production in field production enterprises in the years 2014-2020.The article describes the characteristics of enterprises and the development of production and costs of crop production in the years under review. This is another post in the regular FADN survey analysis post. The authors are Ing.Zuzana Fuksová, Ph.D. and Eng.Iveta Mlezivová. You can find the post in the Publication activity directory. (posted 8/24/2022)
On June 30, 2022, representatives of the FADN CZ Contact Office participated in the 210th meeting of the FADN Committee of the European Commission and the Expert Group for Horizontal Issues - Accounting Network Subgroup at the European Commission. Both meetings took place via video conference. (posted 7/10/2022)
On June 20, 2022, the Zemědělec weekly magazine (No. 25/2022) published the article "Management of ecological businesses", which describes the economic results of ecologically managed businesses in the Czech Republic in the ten-year time series 2011-2020 based on FADN data. The authors are employees of the FADN Contact Office, Ing.Zuzana Fuksová, Ph.D. and Eng.Lenka Tumová. The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 6/22/2022)
On June 7, 2022, representatives of the FADN CZ Contact Office attended the 209th meeting of the FADN Committee of the European Commission in Brussels. (posted 6/9/2022)
A CZSO publication was published Integrated Survey in Agriculture – analytical evaluation – 2020. The first of the two parts is focused on the typology of farms of the Integrated Survey in Agriculture (IŠZ) 2020 and is processed by the staff of the FADN ČR Contact Office at ÚZEI. The second part, prepared by a collective of CZSO workers, describes changes in the agriculture of the Czech Republic based on a comparison of the results of the IŠZ 2020 with the results of the Agrocenzus 2000 survey.
On Tuesday, May 3, 2022, a representative of the FADN ČR Contact Office took part in a meeting of the Economic Commission of the AK ČR, where she gave a presentation entitled "Anticipated development of economic results in agriculture based on enterprise data from the FADN survey". (posted 5/4/2022)
In the March issue of Zemědělec magazine (11/2022), the article "Methane production in ruminant farming" was published by Ing.Z. Fuksová, Ph.D. and Eng.M. Novák, who brings readers closer to the issue of greenhouse gas production at enterprises specializing in cattle breeding. Most methane, or the amount of methane converted to CO2 equivalent, is produced during enteric fermentation, i.e. during belching. The possibilities of reducing its production are therefore very limited. The often proposed restriction of cattle breeding is highly debatable and only a partial solution to the whole problem.
On Thursday 17/03/2022, the third meeting of the working group WG2 "Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN)" took place. The working group is dealing with the planned conversion of FADN to FSDN. This time, budget matters, data protection and sharing, and links between CAP and FADN/FSDN plans were addressed. There were several presentations from Member States on each topic.
On 14 March 2022, FADN representatives participated online in the 29th meeting of the OECD Network for Farm-Level Analysis (FLAN). The agenda of the meeting was to share experiences on methods and analyzes of the possible synergistic use of available micro data from various surveys at the level of agricultural holdings and companies. More than fifty participants from all over the world were able to hear opinions and pitfalls from several countries. The presenters highlighted the current challenges related to the potential of linking different types of microdata to bring an innovative approach to understanding the entire agricultural sector, with a focus on rural development, and to help shape new policies.
On March 7-9, 2022, our staff met with a delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture of Turkey. The aim of this study trip of the Turkish delegation to the Czech Republic was to consult on issues related to the FADN system within the framework of the European Union project "FADN: Target 2020". On the first two days, a meeting took place in the ÚZEI building, where colleagues from abroad were presented in detail with the functioning and organization of the FADN in the Czech Republic. On the last day, there was a visit to two Czech farms specialized in milk production. (inserted: 10/03/2022)
You can now read the overview of the sample survey of the economic results of agricultural enterprises in complete electronic form in the directory Publications, Presentations - Results of the sample survey - year 2020. In addition to the expert text, the publication also contains detailed tables, graphs and maps. 1,210 farms participated in the 2020 survey. (Posted: 03/07/2022)
On February 25, 2022, the article "A taste of the FADN CZ publication" was published in the AGRObase magazine of the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic, which describes the newly published FADN CZ publication. The article is available in electronic form in the Publication activity directory. (Posted: 03/03/2022)
On 17/02/2022, the third online meeting of the European working group WG1 took place, the aim of which is to simplify the current FADN questionnaire. Some suggested changes were agreed at the meeting and a list of suggestions for FSDN questionnaire items was given to WG2. (posted 2/19/2022)
On Monday 14/02/2022 FADN members attended the meeting of the European Working Group on Typology. The topic of the meeting was the discussion of the method of calculating the standard production for different categories of animals and its possible changes. (posted 2/15/2022)
The article "Productivity and efficiency in Czech agriculture: Does farm size matter?" was published in the professional journal Zemědělská ekonomika (Agricultural Economics - Czech, 68, 2022 (1): 1-10). The article looks at overall productivity with respect to farm size. Weighted panel data for the period 2014-2018 from the FADN database focused on cereal, milk and beef producers were used. Advanced statistical modeling and estimation methods yield interesting findings regarding the long-discussed lower productivity of smaller farms, competitiveness and the impact of policy approaches at the European level. The article was prepared in the framework of the cooperation of the CZU (L. Čechura, Z. Žáková Kroupová) and the FADN CZ Contact Center (M. Lekešová). The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 10/02/2022)
In the January edition of Agrobase, the article "Benchmarking the results of farm management in the FADN data set" was published by the authors Ing.Zuzana Hlušková and Mgr. Jindřich Landa. The article describes how farmers and researchers can use the FADN application to compare the efficiency of their farms with other farms in the file. You can find the post in the Publication activity directory. (posted 1/26/2022)
The second edition of the periodical Interesting from FADN informs readers in graphic form about the economy of agricultural enterprises in the Czech Republic and in EU countries. The chosen topic for a special double-page spread in this edition focuses on organic farming. The electronic version of the information brochure can be found in Publication Activities. (posted 1/5/2022)
In the November edition of Agrobase, the article "Preliminary results of agricultural enterprises for the year 2020 based on FADN data" was published by the authors Ing.Martina Harvilíková and Ing.Jana Macháčková. The results and changes between 2019 and 2020 are described. You can find the post in the Publication activity directory. (posted 6/12/2021)
On Tuesday 30/11/2021, the second meeting of the working group WG2 "Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN)" took place. The working group is dealing with the planned conversion of FADN to FSDN. This time, possible incentives for farmers to cooperate with FADN/FSDN and better cooperation with extension services were addressed. The next meeting is scheduled for January 2022. (inserted 12/1/2021)
The data from the FADN survey for the financial year 2020 was successfully transmitted to the DG AGRI office in Brussels on 29 November 2021, i.e. one month before the binding deadline. (inserted 11/30/2021)
On Wednesday 24 November 2021, a meeting of the Economic Commission of the AK CR took place, which was attended by Ing.Jana Macháčková. The program also included the presentation of the results of the sample survey of FADN agricultural enterprises for the financial year 2020. This prezentation is accessible on the FADN website. (posted 10/25/2021)
The Liaison Agency FADN CZ issued Press release on the economic results of agricultural enterprises for the accounting period 2020. (inserted: 24/11/2021)
Productivity and Efficiency of Precision Farming: The Case of Czech Cereal Production was published in the online specialist magazine AGRIS. The article deals with the sources of competitiveness of Czech cereal production with regard to precision agriculture technologies. The analysis is based on advanced statistical methods using data from the FADN database for the period 2005-2018.The article was prepared in the framework of the cooperation of the CZU (L. Čechura, Z. Žáková Kroupová) and the FADN CZ Contact Center (V. Kostlivý, M. Lekešová). (posted 11/16/2021)
On November 3, 2021, a meeting of the FADN National Commission took place, which has been meeting regularly since 2004 with the participation of representatives of ÚZEI, MZe, non-governmental organizations and agricultural universities. The FADN National Commission unanimously approved the draft plan for the selection of enterprises for the FADN survey for the financial year 2022, discussed the preliminary results of the management of agricultural enterprises for the year 2020, discussed the organizational issues of the past year as well as the future development of the FADN in relation to the needs of agricultural policy. (posted 11/4/2021)
The 28th meeting of the OECD Network for Farm-Level Analysis (FLAN) took place on 26 and 27 October 2021 virtually for registered participants. The first day of the meeting on 26 October was co-scheduled with the OECD Networks on Total Factor Productivity and the Environment (TFPEN) meeting. The purpose of this joint event was an open discussion on the cooperation of the two groups, presenting new options for aggregated measurement of the total productivity of agricultural enterprises, expanding to include environmental inputs and outputs, improving the quality and relevance of analyzes using micro-level data, and creating composite indicators of sustainable productivity growth. The following day, 27/10, was already set aside for the FLAN session, and the opening presentation dealt with the possibilities of measuring the resilience of agricultural farms using static and dynamic indicators using enterprise data. In the section Measuring environmental sustainability and sustainable practices, Ing.Zuzana Hloušková from FADN CZ Multi-criteria evaluation of sustainable development in the Czech Republic. The participants were introduced to the method and results processed in the framework of the project solved in 2016-2019 by the FADN team. The final part of the session focused on sustainable practices and water management. (inserted 11/1/2021)
On Tuesday 19/10/2021, the first meeting of the working group WG2 "Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN)" took place. The working group is looking at converting FADN to FSDN from a data change perspective. Participants were introduced to the purpose of the FSDN and discussed the tools that would lead to the achievement of the goals (what data farmers can and cannot provide) and potential challenges. (posted 10/20/2021)
On October 15, 2021, the 208th meeting of the FADN Commission, organized by DG AGRI at the European Commission, took place online. (posted 10/19/2021)
On 12 October 2021, the 5th annual economic conference took place under the auspices of the ProfiPress publishing house, this time in the newly renovated premises of the Auditorium at the ČZU in Prague. At the conference, the FADN team presented a contribution on the development of the management of ecological enterprises with regard to the agricultural policy of the European Union. The recording of the conference can be viewed on the TV Zemědělec website. (inserted: 10/13/2021)
On Friday 8 October, three FADN representatives participated in the second online meeting of the working group WG3 "FADN Individual data request tool" at DG AGRI. Other presenters, this time from Italy, the Netherlands and France, presented their online tools used to work with FADN data at the national level. Experiences from individual Member States can contribute to finding the desired solution for secure access to aggregated FADN data, which DG AGRI aims for in the near future. (inserted: 10/11/2021)
On October 4, 2021, the second meeting of the working group "WG1 for reinforcing and simplifying FADN" took place, where the possibilities of simplifying the FADN questionnaire, improving data quality, adding new information regarding socio-economic and environmental aspects of farming, etc. were again discussed. (inserted: 6/10/2021)
On 28 and 29 September 2021, we participated in the second FSDN workshop organized by DG.AGRI at the European Commission. The workshop took place as part of the FADN to Farm Sustainable Data Network (FSDN) process and aimed to share and discuss the results of the consultation and to identify and discuss options for specific FADN improvements in 2022. (Posted: 30/09/2021)
On September 6, 2021, the article "Results of organic farming" was published in the weekly Zemědělec (No. 36/2021), which describes the structural characteristics and economic results of ecologically managed enterprises in the Czech Republic compared to conventional enterprises in 2019. The comparison includes EZ enterprises in total and according to production orientations: field production, mixed production, milk production and breeding of cattle and bulk forage animals (sheep, goats and others). The authors are employees of the FADN Contact Office, Ing.Lenka Tumová and Ing.Zuzana Fuksová, Ph.D. The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 09/07/2021)
On August 30, 2021, the weekly Zemědělec (No. 35/2021) published the article "Evaluation of mixed production enterprises", which informs about the structural characteristics and economic results of agricultural enterprises focusing on mixed production based on the FADN survey in a year-on-year comparison of 2018/2019. The authors are employees of the FADN Contact Office, Ing.Věra Vrkočová and Ing.Lenka Tumová. The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 9/3/2021)
On August 16, 2021, the article "Results of enterprises with milk production" was published in the Zemědělec weekly newspaper (No. 33/2021). Authors Ing.Martina Döbertová, Ing.Svetlana Lamprechtová and Ing.Here, Jana Večeřová presents the management results of enterprises focused on milk production based on the FADN survey. The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 8/20/2021)
In the August issue of the Zemědělec weekly (32/2021), the article "Evaluation of cattle breeding enterprises" was published by the authors Ing.Lenka Varhaníčková and Ing.Jarmil Mlčák. The results and changes between 2018 and 2019 for cattle and bulk forage businesses are described here. You can find the post in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 8/10/2021)
The OECD has published two new documents with the results of an international project on which the FADN ČR Contact Office has been collaborating for a long time. This empirical project aims to understand the impact of agricultural policies and other factors on productivity and environmental sustainability at the enterprise level. More information and reference to publications is given in the section Foreign cooperation. (Posted: 8/4/2021)
Statistical overviews containing key information on agriculture in the EU and member states have been prepared by the European Commission using Eurostat and FADN data. Individual updated summaries can be found HERE (inserted: 7/21/2021)
The European Commission has published a new report "EU Farm Economics Overview" which was compiled from data from the European FADN database for the financial year 2018. The full report can be downloaded HERE (inserted: 20/07/2021)
A survey was prepared for farmers, CAP makers, researchers and other experts related to agriculture on the topic "Conversion of the Agricultural Accounting Data Network (FADN) to the Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN)". This is a short European Commission questionnaire that will be active until midnight on 31 July. Please express your opinion in a short questionnaire that will not take you more than 10 minutes.
On 29/06/2021, FADN representatives attended the first meeting of the working group at DG.AGRI with the designation "WG3 FADN Individual data request tool". The goal is to create a tool at the European level of the FADN database that will enable remote work with data without the need to hold individual data. Access to FADN data is fully secure with the option to publish only aggregated results. During the online meeting, the participants could hear and discuss the experiences of solving the research need of working with FADN individual anonymized data in several European countries. The FADN CZ workplace uses special applications for working with data, which were presented to the working group by Ing.Zuzana Hloušková. (inserted: 1/7/2021)
On June 15, 2021, the first meeting of the working group "WG1 for reinforcing and simplifying FADN" took place, where the possibilities of simplifying the FADN questionnaire, improving data quality, adding new information regarding socio-economic and environmental aspects of farming, etc. were discussed. (inserted: 6/18/2021)
From 04/06/2021 to 02/07/2021, the European Commission opened the possibility to submit comments on the FADN to FSDN (Farm Sustainability Data Network Transition) initiative. Inserting comments HERE. (inserted: 6/10/2021)
As part of the Ministry of Agriculture's support for the development of the research organization MZE RO0921, the certified methodology "Estimation of economic results of agriculture in the Czech Republic based on company data" was created by the FADN ČR Contact Office with the designation ISBN 978-80-7271-245-8. The methodology is available in the Publication activity directory. (posted 6/7/2021)
In the last May issue of Zemědělec magazine (22/2021), an article was published about the management of field production enterprises in 2019. The article clearly summarizes information about production, costs and general conditions in 2019 in relation to indicators of the economic situation of the enterprise. It is part of the regular information from the FADN investigation. The authors are Ing.Zuzana Fuksová, Ph.D., Ing.Monika Hlaváčová and Ing.Iveta Mlezivová. You can find the post in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 6/2/2021)
The weekly Zemědělec (No. 19/2021) published the article "Results of enterprises based on FADN data", which informs about the economic results of agricultural enterprises obtained as part of the FADN investigation for the financial year 2019. The authors are Ing.Martina Harvilíková and Ing.Jana Macháčková. The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 5/17/2021)
The article "Results of the Smart FADN project" was published in the Zemědělec weekly newspaper (No. 17/2021), which informs the general public about the effort to simplify and make the FADN investigation more efficient. The article presents the results of the smallest agricultural enterprises (Small FADN) in comparison with the results of the enterprises of the FADN standard survey of the smallest economic classes above the FADN threshold of the Czech Republic. The authors are Ing.Jana Macháčková and Ing.Joseph Hannibal. The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 05/05/2021)
The 27th meeting of the Farm Level Analysis group at the OECD took place on Friday, April 23, 2021, again in the form of a video conference. Among the 60 participants from different countries of the world were also employees of the FADN Contact Office. The introduction mentioned the successfully completed "Dynamics of farm performance" project, in which FADN CZ employees also participated. In the first block, new directions in defining and calculating the ability of farms to manage adverse natural and economic events (risk management) were presented. For example, indicators such as readiness to absorb the problem, recovery and the ability to transform afterwards were mentioned. The second block of presentations was focused on the topic of income with presentations by colleagues from France and Germany using FADN national data. (inserted: 4/26/2021)
On April 13, 2021, the 207th meeting of the FADN Community Committee, organized by DG AGRI at the European Commission, took place online. (inserted: 4/14/2021)
On Thursday and Friday (March 18-19), we participated in the online final conference of the UNISECO project, which is financed by the European Union - namely the Horizon 2020 program. The outputs are intended to contribute to the implementation of the Green Deal, F2F strategy from farmer to consumer, strategy biodiversity by 2030, the preparation of a European research and innovation partnership in the field of agro-ecological laboratories and research infrastructures and national CAP strategic plans. 15 case studies were presented, as well as the LIFT - Low - Input Farming and Territories project, which, among other things, uses data obtained from FADN in its work. More information can be found at (inserted: 3/29/2021)
In the March edition of Zemědělec magazine (12/2021), an article was published on the division of field production enterprises into technological classes according to criteria that include seven different areas of management. Enterprises specialized in field production represent 30% of agricultural entities in the Czech Republic, which manage 35% of agricultural land. These enterprises differ in the ways and conditions of their management and are very diverse. As part of the activities of the FADN Contact Office (ÚZEI), enterprises of this production focus were divided into three groups, so-called technological classes. The article describes what characterizes these classes, what class changes are occurring in companies, what causes these changes, and whether the influence of the subsidies provided is noticeable. For the analyses, the methodology of the international OECD project was used, on which ÚZEI-FADN has been cooperating for several years. The authors are Ing.Vladimir Kostlivý, Dr. and Eng.Zuzana Fuksová, Ph.D. You can find the post in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 25/03/2021)
On 16 and 17 March, a representative of FADN ČR took part in The Good Practice Workshop 'Improving data-management and information systems for the purpose of evaluation' online workshop, the aim of which was to focus on innovative experiences in connection with data management and information systems for evaluation in the context of the common agricultural policy. You can find more information (inserted: 24/03/2021)
The article "Agriculture farms product differentiation assessment in the Czech Republic" was published in the professional scientific journal Zemědělská ekonomika (Agricultural Economics – Czech, 67, 2021 (3): 81–89). The paper deals with the analytical evaluation of the differentiation of agricultural products in relation to their economic results and is based on data from the FADN database. The article was prepared as part of the cooperation between the FADN CZ Contact Center (Z. Hloušková) and the ČZÚ (M. Chocholoušek, T. Šímová, J. Huml). The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 23/03/2021)
An output processed from FADN data was published on the Agri-food data portal, which is administered by the European Commission. It contains information and trends on costs, margins and income of agricultural holdings specializing in milk production in the EU from 2008 to 2018, including estimates for 2019. The overviews are based on the Agricultural Accounts Data Network (FADN) and the Milk Cost Budgeting Model DG AGRI This portal enables an interactive comparison of selected indicators between Member States, EU regions and in time series. You can find more information HERE. (inserted: 22/03/2021)
The article “How opportunity costs change the view on the viability of farms? Empirical evidence from the EU" (Agricultural Economics - Czech, 67, 2021 (2): 41-50). The article compares the profitability of agricultural holdings from an economic and accounting point of view and reveals how much the results vary between countries across the EU. The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 3/17/2021)
The Zemědělec weekly (11/2021) published the article "The Chamber as a partner in the investigation". An introduction to the work of the FADN Contact Office, with which the Agrarian Chamber closely cooperates, can be found in the Publications section. (posted 3/16/2021)
On February 25, 2021, the magazine of the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic AGRObase published the article "Be a part of the FADN investigation", which describes the advantages and the possibility of participating in the investigation of the FADN Contact Office. The article is available in electronic form in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 03/01/2021)
The annual overview of the sample survey of the economic results of agricultural enterprises can now be browsed in complete electronic form in the directory Publications, Presentations - Results of the sample survey - year 2019. The chapters processed according to different points of view also contain detailed tables and graphs in addition to expert texts. 1,359 agricultural holdings participated in the survey in 2019. (inserted: 2/23/2021)
You will be able to follow the interesting things from FADN in the new periodical, the first issue of which, entitled "Economics of agricultural enterprises in the Czech Republic and EU countries", is also available in electronic form in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 16/02/2021)
On 8 and 9 February 2021, we participated in the first FSDN workshop organized by DG.AGRI at the European Commission. The Farm to Fork strategy published by the European Commission includes the transformation of the FADN network into the FSDN (Farm Sustainable Data Network) system. The goal of the video conference with more than 150 participants was to exchange information that is needed to successfully implement this change. (inserted: 10/02/2021)
The weekly Zemědělec (No. 05/2021) published the article "Pensions in agriculture fell", which informs about estimates of the economic results of agricultural enterprises for the financial year 2020 based on the FADN survey. The authors are employees of the FADN Contact Department (Ing. Michaela Lekešová, Ing. Zuzana Hloušková, Ing. Anna Prajerová). The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 2/3/2021)
In the January issue of the magazine Agromanuál (1/2021) on 15 January 2021, the article "NPK nutrient balance in enterprises with different production specializations" was published, the authors of which are our colleagues Ing.Z. Fuksová, Ph.D. and M.Sc. T. Vintr. The article describes the differences in the application of NPK and its resulting balance within the enterprise for selected production orientations and the estimation of their annual soil coverage. You can find the post in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 18/01/2021)
The Liaison Agency FADN CZ prepared a press release for the Ministry of Agriculture on the development of the agricultural economy in 2020. The report was published on January 12, 2021 on the portal The press release includes a preliminary estimate of agricultural production, costs and the development of business income. (inserted: 1/13/2021)
A Summary Report on the functioning and outputs of the FADN ČR network in 2020 "Development and operation of the FADN ČR agricultural accounting data network according to EU standards" was prepared for the MoZ. The thematic task "Expansion of the basic set of FADN to include enterprises operating in organic agriculture" was also elaborated. (inserted: 12/18/2020)
On the occasion of the announcement of the results of the competition for the best agricultural manager "Farmer of the Year 2020", due to the unfavorable situation with the coronavirus pandemic, an online economic conference entitled European and Czech agriculture before new challenges was held. At the conference was Ing.Vrkočová gave a presentation "The story of the Czech Republic's agriculture since its entry into the EU from the FADN data network". (inserted: 12/14/2020)
In the Newsletter of the Regional Agrarian Chamber from December 2020, the article "Evaluation of the results of agricultural enterprises based on FADN data" was published. You can find the post in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 12/07/2020)
Data for the financial year 2019 sent to DG AGRI in Brussels on 30/11/2020 (inserted: 2/12/2020)
On Friday, November 27, 2020, the 26th meeting of the Farm Level Analysis group took place at the OECD, in which the staff of the FADN Contact Office are also involved. Due to the still valid measures against the spread of the Covid-19 disease, the meeting took place again in the form of a video conference. The meeting was attended by 65 representatives from EU countries, the European Commission, Australia, Korea, Japan, the USA, and Russia. The meeting was scheduled to conclude the two-year period of the OECD Agriculture Committee's work program for 2019-20 and before the start of the new work program for 2021-2022. One of the main topics in which our workplace is also actively involved was farm productivity (Dynamics of farm performance and policy effects). Another important topic was the discussion on the identification of indicators related to the environment and sustainability. (inserted: 12/01/2020)
The article "Farm outcomes based on cluster analysis of compound farm evaluation" (Agricultural Economics – Czech, 66, 2020 (10): 435–443) was published in the professional scientific journal Zemědělská ekonomika. The article describes research into the internal structure of Czech agricultural enterprises divided using cluster analysis based on multi-criteria evaluation. (inserted: 10/29/2020)
On Tuesday, October 6, 2020, the 206th meeting of the Community Committee for FADN took place online. (inserted: 7/10/2020)
On Monday, October 5, 2020, an international video conference of the Typology Workgroup took place, the members of which are FADN CZ employees. The aim of the meeting was to open a discussion about possible changes in the current form of agricultural typology. The coordinator of the work is the Agricultural Economy section of DG AGRI in Brussels. (inserted: 6/10/2020)
On August 17, 2020, the Zemědělec weekly newspaper (No. 34/2020) published the article "Results of organic farming", which reports on the structural characteristics and economic results of ecologically managed businesses in the Czech Republic in comparison with conventional businesses in 2018, in total according to production orientations: field production, mixed production, milk production and breeding of bulky fodder animals (cattle, sheep, goats and others). The authors are Lenka Tumová and Zuzana Fuksová, employees of the FADN Contact Office. The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 8/19/2020)
On July 7, 2020, the article "Results of enterprises with milk production" was published in the Zemědělec weekly newspaper (No. 28/2020). Authors Ing.Martina Döbertová, Ing.Svetlana Lamprechtová and Ing.Here, Jana Večeřová presents information on the economic results of enterprises focused on milk production based on the FADN survey. You can find the post in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 7/27/2020)
The article "Drivers of farm performance in Czech crop farms" (Agricultural Economics – Czech, 66, 2020 (7): 297-306) was published in the professional journal Zemědělská ekonomika. The article describes the analysis of field production enterprises that are part of the FADN survey, based on a multidimensional classification with regard to the selected criteria. According to the results, the companies are then divided into three groups, where sustainability, innovation, technology, diversification and individual characteristics are evaluated. The analysis follows the OECD multidimensional assessment methodology. The authors of the article are employees of the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information (Ing. V. Kostlivý, Dr., Ing. Z. Fuksová, Ph.D. and Ing. T. Rudinskaya, Ph.D.). The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 7/2/2020)
The article "Trade-off between the economic and environmental sustainability in Czech dual farm structure" was published in the professional journal Zemědělská ekonomika (Agricultural Economics – Czech, 66, 2020 (6): 243-250). The article tries to build on a unique multi-criteria evaluation of agricultural enterprises in order to compare the compatibility of economic and environmental goals. The authors of the article are the employees of the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information (Prof. Ing. Jindřich Špička Ph.D., Mgr. Tomáš Vintr, Ing. Jana Macháčková) in cooperation with the ČZU (Ing. Renata Aulová Ph.D.). The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 6/24/2020)
On Monday, June 15, 2020, an international video conference of the Typology Handbook Workgroup took place, the members of which are also FADN CZ employees. The aim of the working group is to update the manual for calculating the typology of businesses. An important tool for calculating the typology and standard output of enterprises is the determination of standard output coefficients, which will be updated this year in all EU states. During the conference, the last comments on the current version of the Typology Handbook were discussed, which will be incorporated and the final version will be forwarded for approval first within the FADN EU Community Committee and then by the EU Commission. The coordinator of the work is the Agricultural Economy section of DG AGRI in Brussels. (inserted: 6/17/2020)
In the June edition of Zemědělec magazine (25/2020), the article "Management of field production enterprises" was published. Authors Ing.Zuzana Fuksová and Ing.Monika Hlaváčová presents information on the characteristics, production and its composition, costs and economic results of enterprises in 2018 in relation to their economic size. You can find the post in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 6/16/2020)
On June 6, 2020, the 25th meeting of the Farm Level Analysis group at the OECD took place with the participation of the staff of the FADN Contact Office. Nearly 50 participants took part in the meeting, which was conducted via video conference. EU countries, European Commission, OECD, Canada, USA, New Zealand, Korea, Australia, Chile were represented. The key topic was the discussion of methodological approaches of the Farm performance dynamics and policy effects project, in which our workplace is involved. (inserted: 06/08/2020)
The article "Enterprises with animal production" was printed in the first May issue of the Zemědělec weekly (19/2020). Authors Ing.Lenka Varhaníčková and Ing.In the article, Jarmil Mlčák will provide you with the results and year-on-year changes in enterprises focused on breeding cattle, sheep, goats and other animals that feed bulky fodder. You can find the post in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 06/05/2020)
On April 14, 2020, the weekly Zemědělec (No. 16/2020) published the article "Evaluation of mixed production enterprises", which reports on the structural characteristics and economic results of mixed production agricultural enterprises based on the FADN survey in an annual comparison of 2017/2018. The authors are employees of the FADN Contact Office, Ing.Věra Vrkočová and Ing.Lenka Tumová. The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 4/16/2020)
The publication output on the newly created methodology for the assessment of agricultural enterprises based on FADN data was published in the professional journal Zemědělská ekonomika under the title "Multicriteria assessment of Czech farms" (Agricultural Economics - Czech, 66, 2020 (3): 101-111). This is one of the results of the Contact Center FADN project within the internal research of ÚZEI. (Posted: 4/2/2020)
On 3/3/2020 and 4/3/2020, a two-day meeting with representatives of the Slovak FADN took place at our workplace. (inserted: 3/5/2020)
On February 10, 2020, the article "First estimates of income in agriculture" was published in the professional and professional weekly Zemědělec (No. 07/2020), which reports on estimates of the economic results of agricultural enterprises for the financial year 2019 based on the FADN survey. The authors are employees of the FADN Contact Department (Ing. Michaela Lekešová, Ing. Zuzana Hloušková, Ing. Kristina Iglićová). The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 17/02/2020)
The results of the FADN CZ survey for 2018 were processed and presented on the FADN CZ website HERE (posted 12/02/2020)
FADN 2019 survey interviewer training was held on 2/20/2020 and 2/26/2020. (Entered: 2/27/2020)
On January 9, 2020, Minister of Agriculture Miroslav Toman presented an estimate of the economic results of Czech agriculture in 2019, which was prepared by the FADN Contact Office at ÚZEI. Press release on the MZ website HERE. (inserted: 10/01/2020)
A Summary Report on the functioning and outputs of the FADN ČR network in 2019 "Development and operation of the FADN ČR agricultural accounting data network according to EU standards" was prepared for the Ministry of the Interior. The thematic task "Expansion of the basic set of FADN to include enterprises operating in organic agriculture" was also elaborated. (inserted: 12/20/2019)
FADN representatives participated in the international conference "The 2019 EU Agricultural Outlook Conference: Sustainability from farm to fork", which was held on December 10-11, 2019 in Brussels. The main topic was the sustainability of food and agriculture, including the presentation of the agricultural outlook to 2030. (Posted: 13/12/2019)
On December 2, 2019, the Zemědělec weekly newspaper (No. 49/2019) published the article "Evaluation of agricultural enterprises", which reports on the results of agricultural enterprises for the financial year 2018 based on the FADN survey. The authors are the staff of the FADN Contact Center (Ing. Martina Harvilíková, Ing. Jana Macháčková, Ing. Josef Hanibal). The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (Posted: 12/04/2019)
Data for the financial year 2018 sent to DG AGRI in Brussels on 28/11/2019. (Entered: 29/11/2019)
On 26/11/2019, our colleagues took part in the "Outlook 2020 - Economic Outlook for Irish Agriculture" conference, which took place in Ashtown, near Dublin, Ireland. The presentations included information on the development of Irish agriculture over the past years, current results, estimated results for 2019 and forecasts for 2020. (Posted: 28/11/2019)
On November 25, 2019, the information newsletter of the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic called AGRObase published the article "Evaluation of the results of agricultural enterprises in 2018 based on the FADN", which introduces the professional public to the results of agricultural enterprises for the financial year 2018 based on the FADN survey. The authors are the staff of the FADN Contact Center (Ing. Martina Harvilíková, Ing. Jana Macháčková, Ing. Josef Hanibal). The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 11/26/2019)
On November 6, 2019, the 16th meeting of the FADN CZ National Commission took place. (posted 7/11/2019)
On 28-29 October 2019, FADN staff participated in the 24th OECD FLA working group in Paris. The subject of the meeting was the communication of results from the projects of participating countries, the status of work on the joint OECD FLA project, and discussion of further direction in 2020-2021. In the section devoted to structural issues, Vladimír Kostlivý presented a contribution on the topic "Structure and production of organic farming enterprises in FADN CR in the period 2011-2018", including the development of the technical efficiency of organic enterprises focused on livestock production in the period 2011-2016. (inserted: 10/31/2019)
On October 6-9, 2019, the 27th international PACIOLI workshop took place, which was organized for the first time in its long history with the support of the FADN Contact Office in Prague. At the opening ceremony, Mr. Vlastimil Zedek (MZe), Mr. Štěpán Kala (Director of ÚZEI), Mr. Josef Hanibal (Head of FADN Contact Office) and Mr. Hans Vrolijk (Workshop organizer, LEI, Netherlands) gave the opening speech. The professional part started with two presentations prepared by FADN CZ employees. Mr. Marek Novák gave a presentation on Czech agriculture entitled "Czech Agriculture From The Perspective Of FADN" and Mr. Vladimír Kostlivý reported on ecological farming with the presentation "Czech Organic Farming – Structure And Production In FADN 2011-2017". (inserted: 10/10/2019)
On 1-3 October 2019, FADN staff participated in the meeting of the Typology Handbook working group in Brussels, which aims to update the handbook for establishing the typology of enterprises, and the regular meeting of the EU Commission for FADN. Part of the meeting was the approval of the amendment to Regulation (EU) 2015/220, which adjusts the definition and classification of some items of the questionnaire, introduces an additional payment from the financial year 2021 for companies with high data quality sent on time, and adjusts the threshold value of companies and the number of companies necessary for the survey in the Czech Republic Republic and in Denmark. In the Czech Republic, the threshold value is increasing from 2020. Standard output of businesses to 15,000 Euros and reduces the minimum number of businesses to 1,282. (Added: 4/10/2019)
On October 6-9, 2019, the PACIOLI international workshop will take place, which is being organized for the first time with the support of the FADN Contact Office in Prague. At the opening ceremony, the State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior, Mr. Jan Sixta, the Director of the ÚZEI, Mr. Štěpán Kala, and the Head of the FADN Contact Office, Mr. Josef Hanibal, will give an opening speech. The professional part will begin with two presentations prepared by FADN CZ employees. Mr. Marek Novák will give a presentation entitled "Czech Agriculture From The Perspective Of FADN" and Mr. Vladimír Kostlivý will inform about "Czech Organic Farming – Structure And Production In FADN 2011-2017".
On the basis of the cooperation agreement with the CZSO, summary processing was carried out from the sample file of the FADN investigation for the needs of the SZÚ. The preliminary results of selected indicators for the 2018 financial year were submitted to the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Environmental Statistics on 15 August 2019. This was the data of natural and legal persons converted to annual work unit (AWU). (inserted: 8/29/2019)
On July 8, 2019, the professional and professional weekly Zemědělec (No. 28/2019) published the article "The Smart FADN project will improve data collection", which introduces the professional public to the development of a new FADN project to simplify data collection of agricultural enterprises for the FADN survey. The authors are the staff of the FADN Contact Center (Ing. Jana Macháčková, Ing. Martina Harvilíková, Ing. Josef Hanibal). (inserted: 7/10/2019)
On 19 June 2019, the 204th meeting of the FADN Community Committee took place in Brussels. A brief summary of the discussed topics can be found in the "DG AGRI, FADN EU Steering Committee" directory. (inserted: 6/20/2019)
In the 20th issue of the Zemědělec weekly, another in a series of articles on the economics of agricultural enterprises, based on FADN survey data, was published. This time, his topic was organic farming enterprises. It summarizes the basic characteristics and development in the years 2011-2017. The authors are Ing.Vladimir Kostlivý, Dr. and Eng.Zuzana Fuksová, Ph.D. (inserted: 5/14/2019)
"Dairy Farms" is the title of another article on farm performance in 2017 compared to 2016 based on FADN data. The economy of milk production improved significantly in 2017 due to the higher realization price of milk, increasing milk production and, last but not least, as a result of higher drawn subsidies. The article was published in the Zemědělec magazine No. 19 on 6 May 2019, the authors are Ing.Martina Döbertová and Ing.Svetlana Lamprechtová. It is available in the Publication activity directory. (posted 5/7/2019)
An article by FADN staff, Ing.Vladimír Kostlivý Dr. and Eng.Zuzany Fuksová Ph.D. presenting the results of the ÚZEI internal research project (IVP 1295/2017). The article "Technical efficiency and its determinants for Czech livestock farms" deals with the effect of subsidies on the economy of organic farming enterprises, analyzing their technical efficiency in comparison with conventional farms focused on animal production. PDF in the Publishing Activity directory. (Posted: 03/05/2019)
As part of a series of articles on the economics of agricultural enterprises published in the Zemědělec weekly, the third part was published in issue 18 (dated 4/29/2019) entitled Enterprises focused on field production. The article summarizes a year-over-year comparison of general characteristics and economic indicators in 2016 and 2017 in this manufacturing focus. The authors are Ing.Zuzana Fuksová, Ph.D. and Eng.Petra Bílá. The article is available in the Publication activity directory. (inserted: 30/04/2019)
Another article entitled "Businesses focusing on cattle breeding" was published in Zemědělec No. 17 (April 23, 2019). The authors are Ing.Monika Hlaváčová and Ing.Jarmil Mlčák. The article evaluates the interannual development of economic indicators for the period 2016-2017 at enterprises specialized in cattle breeding. It is available in the directory Publication activity (inserted: 24/04/2019)
The Zemědělec weekly has published a series of articles since April 8, 2019, which are focused on the analytical evaluation of the management of agricultural enterprises in 2017. The authors are the employees of the FADN Contact Center, who draw on the data obtained from the latest FADN survey. The articles are available in the directory Publication activity.. (inserted on 04/09/2019)
On 27/02/2019 and 28/02/2019, interviewer training on FADN 2018 survey methodology took place. (Entered: 01/03/2019)
The peer-reviewed article "Selected economic indicators of enterprises with milk production using FADN data" was published in the professional magazine Náš chov (1/2019), which evaluates the economic efficiency of enterprises specialized in milk production according to selected economic and production indicators in the six-year time series 2012-2017 . Article by Ing.Martina Döbertová and Ing.Svetlana Lamprechtová was published on January 2, 2019. The post is available in the Publication activity directory. (Posted: 01/07/2019)
A new FADN survey is being prepared for FY 2018. (Posted: 01/04/2019)
A Summary Report on the functioning and outputs of the FADN ČR network in 2018 "Development and operation of the agricultural accounting data network FADN ČR according to EU standards" was prepared for the Ministry of the Interior. The thematic task "Expansion of the basic set of FADN to include enterprises operating in organic agriculture" was also elaborated. (inserted: 12/21/2018)
In December 2018, the publication "Sample survey of the economic results of agricultural enterprises in the FADN CZ network for the year 2017" was published. (inserted: 12/18/2018)
The international conference "The 2018 EU Agricultural Outlook Conference: The future of food and farming: food for thought" was held on December 6-7, 2018 in Brussels. The main topic was innovation and digitization in agriculture, and a new estimate of the development of agriculture in the EU until 2030 was presented. The participating FADN CZ representatives obtained valuable information for the internal projects IDP 1129 and IVP1281. (Posted: 12/10/2018)
On December 5, 2018, a meeting of the Economic Commission of the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic was held in ÚZEI. At the meeting, Ing.Josef Hanibal with the presentation Results of the FADN survey for the year 2017, where he evaluated the economic results of agricultural enterprises according to individual types of production focus in enterprises of legal entities and natural persons. There was a discussion on the proposal to increase the economic size threshold for FADN data collection for the next period. Ing.Jiří Hrbek from CZSO with a presentation on the topic Food consumption. (Posted: 12/06/2018)
On the occasion of the solemn announcement of the "Farmer of the Year 2018" competition, an international economic conference entitled "Economics of Agricultural Commodities and Enterprises in European Comparison" was held on 27/11/2018 in the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague. At the conference was Ing.Hanibal presented the presentation "International comparison of the economies of large agricultural enterprises of the Czech Republic and selected countries". (inserted: 11/28/2018)
21. – 23.11.2018: Representatives of FADN CZ visited the "Agriculture Accountancy Department", which sponsors the FADN organization in Poland. They consulted here on the key issues of the FADN's functioning, as well as the methodology of multi-criteria evaluation of agricultural enterprises, which is the subject of an internal research project. (Posted: 11/26/2018)
Data for the financial year 2017 sent to DG AGRI in Brussels on 16/11/2018. (Entered: 19/11/2018)
On 15-16 November 2018, FADN CZ representatives were present at the meeting of the OECD working groups. On the first day, they participated in a joint seminar of the OECD APM (Agricultural Policies and Markets) and FLA (Farm Level Analysis) working groups. The 22nd meeting of the FLA Working Group was held the following day. FADN workplace representative, Dr. Ing.Vladimír Kostlivý, presented a paper on the application of the procedures and methodologies of the "Drivers of Farm Performance" project on FADN CR data for the period 2005-2015 for field production enterprises. (inserted: 11/19/2018)
On November 15, 2018, a seminar was held at Ing.Zdeněk Moce – a private farmer, engaged in growing mainly vegetables and grain. Several staff from FADN attended the seminar. The program of the seminar was focused on the administrative burden of the farmer, the production and economic results of his business, including demonstrations in the field. In the afternoon, an excursion took place in the greenhouses of Ing.Tomáš Valtra, where they mainly grow potted flowers. (inserted: 11/16/2018)
On 14 November 2018, the 15th meeting of the FADN CZ National Commission took place.
On 24-25 October 2018, the 203rd meeting of the FADN Community Committee took place in Brussels.
A brief summary of the discussed topics can be found in the "DG AGRI, FADN EU Steering Committee" directory. (inserted: 10/26/2018)
Representatives of the FADN contact office took part in the 26th Pacioli workshop held on September 30 - October 3, 2018 in Budapest. Ing.Zuzana Hloušková presented the first results of the internal research project "Multi-dimensional evaluation of Czech FADN farms", which aim to contribute to the evaluation of the overall sustainability of Czech agriculture and agricultural enterprises. (Posted: 10/05/2018)
In the journal Úroda (9/2018) the contribution "Economics of the management of field production enterprises in 2014-2016" was published, which summarizes the composition of crop production, the efficiency of management according to the economic size of the enterprise and the main components of costs. Article by Ing.Zuzana Fuksová, Ph.D. and Eng.Petry Bílé was published on September 6, 2018. (inserted: September 10, 2018)
Breadwinner country 2018. On August 23-24, 2018, the staff of the FADN CZ Contact Office in the main pavilion T at the exhibition center in České Budějovice will answer your questions with the aim of increasing public awareness of the FADN network in the Czech Republic. (Posted: 8/21/2018)
As of today (20/08/2018), we are also on Facebook for you. We will be happy if you follow us. You will learn interesting information about the organized events, about the outputs of our activity and about the ways in which it is possible to use the FADN network for your business. And not only that, but much more. Your FADN
On June 28, 2018, an internal seminar took place in ÚZEI, the content of which was to familiarize those present with the ten-year activity of the OECD Farm Level Analysis Network working group and the "Analysis of factors affecting farm performance" project. The FADN ČR workplace is actively involved in this project. As part of the seminar, the results of the 1st stage of the project were presented and, in more detail, a part of a case study evaluating the productivity and technical efficiency of farms in the Czech Republic focusing on milk production. This is an empirical use of FADN data from the period 2005-2015, the project is a two-year project with an end date of November 2018.
Economic results of EZ, development of costs and production of EZ for the period 2011-2016 based on FADN data were published in the Zemědělec weekly (26/2018) in the article "Economics of organic farms". Article co-authored by Ing.Josef Hanibal, Ing.Vladimír Kostlivý Dr. and M.Sc. Tomáš Vintra was published on June 25, 2018. (inserted: June 26, 2018)
On June 4 - June 5, 2018, representatives of FADN CZ participated in the 21st meeting of the Farm Level Analysis network at the OECD, which is focused on analyzes at the enterprise level. In particular, the first output of the project analyzing the factors that influence the performance of agricultural enterprises was discussed. The FADN Contact Office is actively involved in the solution of this project.
On 23-24 May 2018, the 202nd meeting of the FADN Community Committee took place in Brussels.
Brief minutes of the proceedings are in the directory "DG AGRI, EU FAD Steering Committee" - 2018. (inserted: 28/05/2018)
Cessation of business income in the first time regime 31/05/2018. (inserted 18/05/2018)
In the Zemědělec weekly (16/2018), the article "On-line financial analysis in FADN" presented an example of the specific use of the FADN database for the purposes of the agricultural enterprise's own financial analysis. Article co-authored by doc. Ing.Jindřicha Špičky Ph.D., Ing.Jana Macháčková and Ing.Zuzany Hloušková was published on April 16, 2018. (inserted: April 18, 2018)
The TAIEX international workshop in Belgrade (Serbia), held with EU support on February 19 and 20, 2018, was attended by a representative of the FADN CZ Contact Center as one of the expert guarantors. The topic of the workshop was focused on the use of FADN results, data collection systems in EU member countries and the promotion of the FADN network. (posted 02/22/2018)
On 21/02/2018 and 22/02/2018, training of interviewers on FADN 2017 survey methodology took place. (Entered: 23/02/2018)
On February 1, 2018, the Regional Agrarian Chamber of the Pardubice Region and ÚZEI organized a professional seminar on the topic of the Economy of Agricultural Commodities and Enterprises in European Comparison. The opening speech was delivered by Ing.Leoš Říha, vice-president of AK CR and Ing.Štěpán Kala, director of ÚZEI. At the seminar, Ing.Věra Vrkočová with a presentation on the topic Economic results of agricultural enterprises of the Czech Republic and the EU in the FADN network. Ing.Iveta Bošková, Ing.Miluše Abrahamová and Ing.Petr Novotný with presentations related to the economics of milk and pork production and the cereal and oilseed market. (Posted: 02/02/2018)
The advantages and benefits of FADN for the public in relation to the direct use of the detected and calculated data stored in the FADN CZ database were informed by Ing.Josef Hanibal, Ing.Michaela Lekešová and Ing.Zuzana Hloušková in the article "Public database of the FADN data network", which was published in the professional and status weekly Zemědělec No. 2 on January 8, 2018. (inserted: January 9, 2018)
A Summary Report on the functioning and outputs of the FADN ČR network in 2017 "Development and operation of the FADN ČR agricultural accounting data network according to EU standards" was prepared for the Ministry of the Interior. The thematic task "Expansion of the basic set of FADN to include enterprises operating in organic agriculture" was also elaborated. (Posted: 12/21/2017)
In December 2017, the publication "Sample survey of the economic results of agricultural enterprises in the FADN CZ network for the year 2016" was published. For those interested, this publication is available at the secretariat of the FADN CZ Contact Office, Mánesova 75, Prague 2. (inserted: 20 December 2017)
Extrapolation and prediction of results - Special methods, thanks to which it is possible to obtain an absolute expression of the economic results of agriculture for the entire Czech Republic, are addressed in a professional article by the authors Michaela Lekešová, Zuzana Hloušková and Petra Ženíšková from the FADN Contact Office. The text was published in the professional and status weekly Zemědělec No. 50 on December 11, 2017. (inserted: December 12, 2017)
On 11/27-11/28, 2017, FADN staff participated in the 20th meeting of the OECD Network for Farm-Level Analysis. The FADN CZ contact center is involved in the international project Drivers of farm performance (Analysis of factors affecting farm performance), which was the main topic of the meeting. It is envisaged to use panel data from the FADN survey. (inserted: 11/29/2017)
Data for the financial year 2016 sent to DG AGRI in Brussels on 24/11/2017. (Entered: 27/11/2017)
On 14-15 November 2017, the 201st meeting of the FADN Community Committee took place in Brussels.
A brief record of the proceedings is in the directory "Documents of the FADN EU Steering Committee" - 2017. (inserted: 16/11/2017)
On the occasion of the ceremonial announcement of the "Farmer of the Year 2017" competition on November 8, 2017 in the National House in Vinohrady, Ing.The presentation "Economic results of agricultural enterprises of the Czech Republic and the EU in the FADN network" was given by Hanibal. (Posted: 11/9/2017)
The 14th meeting of the FADN CZ National Commission took place on November 1, 2017. (inserted: November 2, 2017)
The 25th Pacioli International Workshop took place in Denmark from 1 to 3 October 2017. As part of the workshop, topics of internal research projects were presented to FADN CZ representatives. Ing.Zuzana Hloušková gave a presentation on the topic "Determination of weights in multi-dimensional evaluation" and Ing.Vladimir Kostlivý, Dr. presentation on the topic "Technical efficiency of organic farms - The analysis of farms productivity developments based on Malquist production indices". (inserted: 10/05/2017)
On August 28, 2017, FADN employees presented three topics as part of the Day with ÚZEI at the Earth Provider exhibition in České Budějovice: Monitoring the economic results of organic agriculture in the Czech Republic (Dr. Ing. Vladimír Kostlivý and Ing. Jiří Dubec, Ph.D.), Utilization the FADN database at the national level for the evaluation of agricultural policy and for the management of agricultural enterprises (Ing. Michaela Lekešová and Ing. Zuzana Hloušková) and the International comparison of the economic results of agricultural enterprises in the FADN network (Ing. Josef Hanibal and Ing. Eduard Slížka).
On 31/05/2017, the 1st stage of the investigation in the first time regime was completed. (inserted: 6/1/2017)
On 22/05-24/05/2017, FADN staff participated in the 19th meeting of the OECD Network for Farm-Level Analysis and the 1st meeting of the OECD Network on Agricultural Total Factor Productivity and the Environment. Vladimír Kostlivý presented the economic results of organic agriculture in the Czech Republic compared to conventional agriculture to the FLA group, aimed at the use of data at the enterprise level. The presentation is available in the Analysis directory of the Contact workplace. (Posted: 5/26/2017)
On 11/05/2017, the 200th meeting of the FADN Community Committee took place in Brussels. A brief record of the proceedings is in the "Documents of the FADN EU Steering Committee" directory - 2017. (inserted: 15/05/2017)
FADN 2016 survey methodology training was held on 15/02/2017 and 16/02/2017 from 10:00 am. (Entered: 17/02/2017)
A new FADN survey is being prepared for FY 2016. (Posted: 01/09/2017)
A Summary Report on the functioning and outputs of the FADN ČR network in 2016 "Development and operation of the FADN ČR agricultural accounting data network according to EU standards" was prepared for the Ministry of the Interior. (Posted: 12/21/2016)
Data for the financial year 2015 sent to DG AGRI in Brussels on 29/11/2016. (Entered: 1/12/2016)
On November 14-15, 2016, the Biosummit 2016 took place in Prague at the MZ - a traditional meeting of the main actors of organic agriculture in the Czech Republic with politicians and the media. The main theme of this year was Central European cooperation in organic farming. Presentation of Ing.Hanibala and Ing.Kostlivý "Economics of Czech eco-farms and comparison with neighboring countries" is available in the Analysis directory of the Contact Office. (inserted: 11/17/2016)
On 14-15 November 2016, the 199th meeting of the FADN Community Committee took place in Brussels. A brief record of the proceedings is in the "Documents of the FADN EU Steering Committee" directory - 2016. (inserted: 16/11/2016)
The 13th meeting of the FADN CZ National Commission took place on November 10, 2016. (inserted: November 11, 2016)
On 9 November 2016, representatives of the FADN Contact Office presented the FADN ČR network to the main representatives of the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic at a nationwide meeting of chambers and member unions and associations of the AK in Větrný Jeníkov. (inserted: 11/10/2016)
Working meeting with Lithuanian colleagues On October 5, 2016, a meeting of FADN CZ Contact Office staff and colleagues from Lithuania took place in the ÚZEI building. (Posted: 6/10/2016)
Representatives of the FADN contact office participated in the international Pacioli workshop held from September 26 to September 28, 2016 in Pristina (Kosovo). As part of the workshop, the developed method of multi-criteria evaluation of agricultural enterprises based on FADN CZ data was presented. (Posted: 9/29/2016)
On September 15 and 16, 2016, a representative of FADN CZ participated in an international workshop in Belgrade (Serbia) for EU support for EU candidate countries (TAIEX) with a focus on building an agricultural accounting data network (FADN). (Posted: 9/19/2016)
As part of the cooperation agreement with the CZSO, the first results from the 2015 FADN data investigation were submitted on August 15, 2016. (inserted: August 17, 2016)
The first results from the FADN data investigation for 2015 are being processed, which will be forwarded to the CZSO on the basis of the cooperation agreement. (Posted: 08/05/2016)
On 25-26 May 2016, the 198th meeting of the FADN Community Committee took place in Brussels. A brief record of the proceedings is in the "Documents of the FADN EU Steering Committee" directory - 2016. (inserted: 30/05/2016)
On May 23 and 24, 2016, the 17th OECD Network for Farm-Level Analysis working group took place in Paris in the presence of FADN CZ workplace representatives. The working group has focused on analyzing productivity in relation to innovation and structural change, and further addresses issues of sustainable agricultural development in OECD countries. (posted 5/25/2016)
FADN 2015 survey interviewer training was held on 3/16/2016 and 3/17/2016. (Entered: 3/18/2016)
A new FADN survey is being prepared for FY 2015. (Posted: 01/05/2016)
A Summary Report on the functioning and outputs of the FADN ČR network in 2015 "Development and operation of the FADN ČR agricultural accounting data network according to EU standards" was prepared for the Ministry of the Interior. The thematic task "Expansion of the basic set of FADN to include enterprises operating in organic agriculture" was also elaborated. (Posted: 12/22/2015)
Data for the financial year 2014 was sent to DG AGRI in Brussels by the deadline of 15/12/2015. (Entered: 16/12/2015)
On 20/11/2015, the 196th meeting of the FADN Community Committee took place in Brussels. A brief record of the proceedings is in the "Documents of the FADN EU Steering Committee" directory - 2015. (inserted: 23 November 2015)
The European Commission published a short report on the farm economy in the Czech Republic in 2013: "Farm economy focus: Czech Republic, Information based on FADN data 2013". (posted 10/27/2015)
Based on FADN EU data for 2012, the article "Czech agriculture in international comparison" was published on 23 October 2015. (posted 10/26/2015) - source here
The 12th meeting of the FADN CZ National Commission took place on October 21, 2015. (inserted: October 22, 2015)
Representatives of the FADN contact office participated in the international Pacioli workshop held in Belgrade (September 28 - September 30, 2015). Core topics included trends in data collection innovation, sustainability assessment variables, non-farm income, modeling and analysis using FADN data. As part of the workshop, the developed method of estimating income from agriculture based on FADN CZ data was presented.
As part of the cooperation agreement with the CZSO, the first results from the 2014 FADN data investigation were submitted on August 14, 2015. (inserted: August 17, 2015)
The first results from the investigation of FADN data for 2014 are being processed, which will be forwarded to the CZSO on the basis of the cooperation agreement. (Posted: 08/03/2015)
On 10-12 June 2015, the 195th meeting of the FADN Community Committee took place in Brussels. A brief record of the proceedings is in the directory "Documents of the FADN EU Steering Committee" - 2015. (inserted: 15/06/2015)
Representatives of the FADN CZ Contact Center participated in the 15th meeting of the OECD Network for Farm-Level Analysis in Tallinn on June 4-5, 2015. During the two days of the meeting, the results of the FLA network projects were presented and their further development was discussed. Furthermore, analyzes based on microeconomic data (e.g. FADN) were presented by FLA members. (Posted: 06/08/2015)
On 10-11 March 2015, the 194th meeting of the FADN Community Committee took place in Brussels. A brief record of the proceedings is in the "Documents of the FADN EU Steering Committee" directory - 2015. (inserted: 12/03/2015)
FADN 2014 survey interviewer training was held on 2/25/2015 and 2/26/2015. (Entered: 2/27/2015)
A new FADN survey is being prepared for FY 2014. (Posted: 01/05/2015)
A Summary Report on the functioning and outputs of the FADN ČR network in 2014 "Development and operation of the FADN ČR agricultural accounting data network according to EU standards" was prepared for the Ministry of the Interior. In addition, the thematic task "Expansion of the basic set of FADN to companies operating in organic agriculture" was prepared for the MoZ. (Posted: 12/19/2014)
In December 2014, the publication "Sample survey of the economic results of agricultural enterprises in the FADN CZ network for the year 2013" was published. For those interested, this publication is available at the secretariat of the FADN CZ Contact Office, Mánesova 75, Prague 2. (inserted: 19 December 2014)
Data for the financial year 2013 was sent to DG AGRI in Brussels by the deadline of 27/11/2014. (Entered: 28/11/2014)
The 11th meeting of the FADN CZ National Commission took place on November 12, 2014. (inserted: November 13, 2014)
On 4-5 November 2014, the 193rd meeting of the FADN Community Committee took place in Brussels. A brief record of the proceedings is in the directory "Documents of the FADN EU Steering Committee" - 2014. (inserted: 7 November 2014)
On October 27 and 28, 2014, a representative of our workplace actively participated in an expert mission organized by the European Commission (TAIEX assistance) in the Republic of Macedonia. A two-day workshop attended by LA FADN Republic of Macedonia staff and consultants responsible for data collection focused on the new challenges coming with the new FADN questionnaire. (inserted: 10/30/2014)
From September 28 to October 1, 2014, an international Pacioli workshop took place in Dublin, which is primarily focused on the issue of data collection at the enterprise level and its use. As part of the workshop, the representative of FADN CZ was presented with the issue of estimating agricultural income based on the FADN database. (Posted: 10/3/2014)
On 10-11 September 2014, the 192nd meeting of the FADN Community Committee took place in Brussels. A brief record of the proceedings is in the "Documents of the FADN EU Steering Committee" directory - 2014. (inserted: 12/09/2014)
As part of the cooperation agreement with the CZSO, the first results from the 2013 FADN data investigation were submitted on August 15, 2014. (inserted: August 18, 2014)
The first results from the investigation of FADN data for 2013 are being processed, which will be forwarded to the CZSO on the basis of the cooperation agreement. (Posted: 08/05/2014)
Representatives of the FADN Contact Office visited several selected organic agricultural enterprises in June as part of the thematic task of the ÚZEI "Expansion of the FADN core set to enterprises operating in organic agriculture".
The data of these enterprises were included in the FADN CZ sample file. (Posted: 7/3/2014)
The 13th meeting of the OECD Network for Farm-Level Analysis was held in Paris on June 2-3, 2014, in the presence of representatives of the FADN CZ Contact Office. Options for developing a microsimulation model were consulted as part of the internal research project "Estimating economic outcomes in agriculture based on FADN enterprise data with little or no knowledge of the actual development of the estimated year". (Posted: 6/4/2014)
On 19-20 May 2014, the 191st meeting of the FADN Community Committee took place in Brussels. A brief record of the proceedings is in the "Documents of the FADN EU Steering Committee" directory - 2014. (inserted: 22/05/2014)
On 11/04/2014 /strong>the 190th meeting of the FADN Community Committee took place in Brussels. A brief record of the proceedings is in the directory "Documents of the FADN EU Steering Committee" - 2014. (inserted: 14/04/2014)
On 19/03/2014, the 189th meeting of the FADN Community Committee took place in Brussels. A brief record of the proceedings is in the directory "Documents of the FADN EU Steering Committee" - 2014. (inserted: 21/03/2014)
FADN 2013 Interviewer Training was held on 03/05/2014 and 03/06/2014. (Entered: 03/07/2014)
A new FADN survey is being prepared for FY 2013. (Posted: 10/01/2014)
A correction was made to the data in the publication "Sample survey of the economic results of agricultural enterprises in the FADN CZ network for the year 2011" in table B8 Standard output of FADN EU - Results of the set of FADN legal entities by production focus and economic size in CZK/ha. (inserted: 06/01/2014)
A Summary Report on the functioning and outputs of the FADN ČR network in 2013 "Development and operation of the FADN ČR agricultural accounting data network according to EU standards" was prepared for the Ministry of the Interior. In addition, the thematic task "Expansion of the basic set of FADN to companies operating in organic agriculture" was prepared for the MoZ. (Posted: 12/20/2013)
In December 2013, the publication "Sample survey of the economic results of agricultural enterprises in the FADN CZ network for the year 2012" was published. For those interested, this publication is available at the secretariat of the FADN CZ Contact Office, Mánesova 75, Prague 2. (inserted: 16/12/2013)
Data for the financial year 2012 was sent to DG AGRI in Brussels by the deadline 2 8/11/2013. (Entered: 6/12/2013)
Representatives of the FADN CZ Contact Center participated in the 12th meeting of the OECD Network for Farm-Level Analysis, which took place on 12 and 13 November 2013 in Paris. The results of the internal research project "Prediction of the results of the agricultural sector of the Czech Republic based on FADN company data" were presented at the meeting. (Posted: 11/15/2013)
On 8 November 2013, the 188th meeting