About us
FADN is the Farm Accountancy Data Network which is the main and only official source of information on the economic situation of agricultural holdings in the European Union.
Liaison Agency FADN CZ
The Liaison Agency FADN CZ is part of the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information. It was established by the decision of the Minister of Agriculture in 2003 with the aim of implementing the EU FADN system in the Czech Republic. However, sample surveys of economic results in agriculture have been carried out since 1994 using a network of test holdings.
What do we do?
Collection, processing and interpretation of production and economic data of agricultural holdings.
Our main activities are:
we ensure the methodical management and operation of the Agricultural Accounting Data Network FADN in the Czech Republic,
we regularly organize surveys of the economic results of agricultural holdings according to EU standards and methodologies,
we perform the functions of the Liaison Agency FADN CZ in relation to the EU, which result from EU legislation,
we ensure the use of FADN data in the Czech Republic for solving tasks of agricultural policy, solving research tasks in the field of agricultural consultancy and for other professional public of the Czech Republic,
we deal with national and international projects in the field of agricultural policy, statistics and ICT applications in agriculture,
we operate an internet portal for public access to the FADN database,
every year we evaluate the economic results of agricultural holdings determined on the basis of the FADN CZ survey,
we ensure the functioning and actions of the National FADN Commission of the Czech Republic both organizationally and substantively,
we issue a periodical publication, we publish articles in professional journals and anthologies,
in cooperation with the CZSO, we establish/define the classification system of EU agricultural holdings and participate in its updating and evaluation of data from the structural survey of agriculture in the Czech Republic according to this typology.
What is the data used for?

Collection, processing and interpretation of production and economic data of agricultural holdings.
What is the data used for?
The data is used to compare the economic performance of businesses and to set and evaluate agricultural policy across the EU.
The data serves as a basis for national and international projects in the field of agricultural economics, information systems and agricultural statistics.
The Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic uses FADN data to solve current issues of the department and to process analyzes and forecasts.
The data also serves farmers, who can compare the results of their business with the average results of a group of similar businesses in the FADN database, thus increasing their efficiency and competitiveness.
The Liaison Agency FADN CZ publishes a periodic publication with an analytical evaluation of the economic results of agricultural holdings in the CZ. Articles are also published in professional journals and collections.
How to get involved and why?
You will receive a financial reward.
You get free access to the FADN Farmer app, where you can compare your business's results with the aggregated results of a group of similar businesses, identify your business's strengths and weaknesses, and improve your efficiency and competitiveness.
Every year you will receive a publication of the economic results of agricultural holdings in the Czech Republic.
Your data is safe with us. All data collected as part of the FADN investigation is subject to the statutory protection of individual data, which guarantees that individual data may not be disclosed even in anonymized form.
If you are interested, you can participate in the Farmer of the Year competition without having to send an application or copies of financial statements to the competition.