Selection of companies for the FADN survey

Based on the FADN farm selection plan, the selection of agricultural farms for data collection is implemented. The goal is to achieve the representativeness of the group of enterprises so that it is possible to generalize the results of the group to the agriculture of the entire Czech Republic, including from the point of view of production orientations and economic size classes. The compilation of the business selection plan results from EC legislation and methodologies.

The business selection plan is drawn up two years in advance. The developed business selection plan for each EU member state is discussed and approved by the FADN National Commission and then by the FADN Committee of the European Commission. When drawing up the FADN CZ business selection plan, it is based on data from the Integrated Survey in Agriculture (formerly the Structural Survey in Agriculture), which is provided by the Czech Statistical Office.

The general requirement of the EU methodology is that the smallest non-market economy is excluded, which is what the establishment of the minimum threshold of the economic size of the enterprise in the FADN survey serves. Due to the different situation (number and size of enterprises) in individual EU countries, this limit is set individually for each country. The portion of the farm population that is covered by the FADN survey is supposed to generate at least 90% of the standard output of the country's total agriculture.

In the Czech Republic, a threshold of minimum economic size was used in the years 2004–2008 on the basis of a standard contribution for the payment of 4 ESU (corresponding to EUR 8,000 of standard production according to the new typology methodology), in 2009–2019 a threshold of EUR 8,000 of standard production was set. As of 2020, the threshold of the minimum economic size of an agricultural holding to enter the FADN survey is EUR 15,000 of standard production, i.e. the fifth class of economic size.

Scheme of drawing up the FADN holding selection plan